How do I edit Portfolium Network settings in an account as an admin?
You can add and update settings for your network, including the network description and branding options.
Open Folios

In the Toolbar, click the Folios icon.
Open Network Settings

In Account Navigation, click the Network Settings link.
Update Description

In the Description field, update your network's description [1]. A network description typically includes overview information about your institution or organization and any relevant links.
To see an example of where the network description is used, click the Where is this used? link [2]. To save your updates, click the Update button [3].
Update Network Logo

To add or change the network logo, drag and drop the logo file to the upload area or click the upload area to select a file [1]. To see an example of where the network logo is displayed, click the Where is this used? link [2].
The current network logo displays below the upload area [3].
Update Network Cover

To add or change the network cover photo, drag and drop the image file to the upload area or click the upload area to select a file [1]. To see an example of where the network cover photo is displayed, click the Where is this used? link [2].
Update Branded Login Image

To add or change the branded login image, drag and drop the image file to the upload area or click the upload area to select a file [1]. To see an example of where the branded login image is displayed, click the Where is this used? link [2].
View Network Homepage

To view your changes, click the network homepage link.