How do I manage LTI Integrations for my account as an admin?
As a Portfolium admin, you can view and manage LTI Integrations for your account. LTI Integrations allow you to securely connect with your institution's learning management system (LMS) using the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. The LTI page in Portfolium allows you to access the key and secret required to set up an integration with your institution's LMS. Depending on the LMS your institution uses, additional permissions may be required to complete the integration within your LMS.
This integration allows users to sign into Portfolium through your LMS; allows teachers to choose Portfolium as an external tool assignment submission type; allows teachers to grade submissions using Portfolium's assessment tools; and allows grades to automatically pass back from Portfolium to the LMS.
Open Folios

In the Toolbar, click the Folios icon.
Open LTI Integrations

In Account Navigation, click the LTI link.
Select LTI Integration

On the LTI Integration page, you can view available LTI Integrations. To view details for an integration, click the integration name.
View Integration Details

In the integration details window, you can view details about how the integration works with Portfolium.
To set the integration up with Portfolium, you will need to copy the key and secret and enter them in Canvas or your LMS. To copy the key or secret to your clipboard, click the Copy icon.
View Connected LTI

Connected LTI integrations display a shaded square.