How do I enroll additional users in my course?
When you claim a course, you are automatically enrolled as the Lead Faculty. You can add additional faculty to the course and edit their roles, as needed. You can also enroll students in the course manually or by sharing an invite link. You can create an invite link to share with students that will automatically enroll users in the course when the link is opened.
Open Assessment

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Course Assessments

In the Assessment Activities sidebar, click the Course Assessment link.
Enroll Students
Click the Students tab [1] and then click the Enroll Students button [2].
View Invite Link

You can choose from two methods of adding students to the course. Portfolium will generate an invite link, which will automatically enroll students in the course when they click the link. Copy the link to share it with students.
Manually Enroll Student

To manually enroll students, click the Manual Enroll tab [1]. Type the student's name or email in the search field [2] and when the user's information displays, click the Enroll link [3] .
View Students
Enrolled students display on the Students page. Each row displays the student's name [1], major [2], number of submissions [3], number of skills completed [4], and if they are connected via LTI [5].
Add Faculty
To add additional faculty members to the course, click the Faculty tab [1] and then click the Add Faculty button [2].
Select Faculty Member

In the Add Faculty window, click in the users drop-down menu [1] and search for a member or click the faculty member's name from the list of users [2]. When you have selected the user to add to the course, click the Add Faculty to Course button [3].