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I received a pairing code from my student's teacher but when I signed up, I think she paired me with her account and made me a student instead of an observer for my student. I deleted her courses (I think) and now I don't have the option to use my st...

  • 1 Replies

Hello!Is there a way to insert external links to Canvas pages and have them open within the same tab/window?The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines recommends minimizing the number of links that open new windows or tabs. I've tried editing the HTML ...

  • 2 Replies

It would be great if we could have a feature like google classroom, where I can see and interact on a student's paper while it is being typed on. Right now, I can only see their work AFTER they have submitted it, which leads to them having to resubmi...

  • 3 Replies

How do most instructors run an online course? This will be my first online course I'm running soon!

  • 2 Replies

I use the Calendar Feed link from the Canvas Calendar so I can see all of the assignment due dates in my regular calendar. (That's the intent, right?) However, Canvas has started adding any courses with due dates into the feed, regardless of whether ...

  • 2 Replies

Whenever I create a rubric it adds "(1)" to the name despite not having a rubric with a similar name. What could be the cause of the problem and how do I fix that?? 

  • 1 Replies

My teammate and I have been sharing content directly all year. Today when she shared a quiz she created with me and I imported it, I could not publish it. I tried to reimport it and tried again to no avail. I created an entirely new module and import...

  • 1 Replies

I would like to see that the quizzes have the added feature of a suggested time limit, with the timer, yet allow students to go over the time instead of immediately closing.  For an asynchronous course, this would be beneficial for instructors to: Al...

  • 2 Replies

Our University has many very large courses that use Scantron sheets for testing, including student comments. In Moodle, we were able to upload these into a comments field in the grade book. It appears from older discussions that workarounds exist. Ca...

  • 2 Replies

I have a student who started test and was kicked out immediately. There is no record of her attempt in "Moderate" section however, I can see her attempt in Proctorio gradebook. The poor student is waiting. How can I reopen it in moderate tab when the...

  • 1 Replies

This article says that I should be able to sort gradebook by first name, but it only sorts by last name. I followed the instructions, but all it did was swap first and last name, but the sort still used the last name. How can I sort by first name?Tha...

  • 1 Replies

I exported the course content, but when I try to import it into another course, after selecting the file and clicking the import button, it says 'pre-processing' in the 'Current Jobs' section. After 1 hour, it gives a 'timed out' error. I deleted the...

  • 3 Replies

Hi, We are just starting using HMH IntoMath (Grades 6-8).  We are struggling to get assignments to sync.We got the "Are You Ready?" to sync but only have had a little success to get the "On Your Own" to sync.  One teacher did, one didn't but posted t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I'm looking for a single field in the Gradebook that can be used to send an API call to a third party system (Salesforce I think) to trigger the student's course completion certificate.  My problem is, most of our courses have multiple assignm...

  • 9 Replies

I am an instructor and I have used both Google Docs Cloud assignment and Google Assignments (LTI 1.3) and have this same problem with both types of external tools and I am frustrated and so are my students. Here is the problem: I create a Google Doc ...

  • 4 Replies

Is it possible to compare statistics on exam questions in different semesters? For example, after making a curriculum change, can performance on the same question be tracked over time (in different semesters)?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I need help getting my Brisk extension to work in speed grader to leave student feedback.  Canvas supports Brisk in speed grader, however mine will not work.  Any suggestions??

  • 1 Replies

When teachers are giving feedback in Speedgrader, html code is being inserted.  Has anyone else noticed?

  • 2 Replies

I would like to upload PDF scanned copies of students' final exam as an assignment or quiz, so I can grade them on Canvas and have the PDF for record keeping purposes. Then, I want to hide the submission so students can see their grade but not the ac...

  • 1 Replies

When looking at grades in a class and choosing to sort grades with the grade book "view options", no grades are being sorted after choosing an option.  Grades are only being listed in alphabetical order of the title of the assignment.  I am attemptin...

  • 2 Replies

As we move towards standards based grading, we need Outcomes to be added to assignments without a rubric or without making a quiz. This is vital for ease-of-use for all teachers, especially those that don't use quizzes and rubrics, for example, our m...

  • 1 Replies

When viewing a discussion with the role of teacher, the associated points are not displayed. However, when viewing it as a student, the points are shown at the top. Teachers have to select the 3 dots, then select "edit" and then scroll down to get in...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I used to be able to put my students in alphabetical order on the Learning Mastery Gradebook. I can on traditional but not LM. The individual columns can still be sorted by score but not the names...any ideas. Canvas is not answering when I send them...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, We're about to undergo the transition from BB9 to Canvas, and I have a query about how a useful mechanism we (Learning Technologists) employ to distribute course content from one to many with live updating, can be replicated.I have looked at t...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Hello, I am a student and I am really struggling with the amount of time I have to spend reading text on a screen. I have spent the past few years reducing my screen time, and now that I have started school I am struggling with the massive intake of ...

  • 2 Replies

I'd like to be able to show students a rubric for their papers at the start of the semester. However, the rubric appears at the bottom of the paper assignment page, and that page is not visible until its release date, which is later in the semester. ...

  • 6 Replies

On my school districts network I can't log in to the university of Cincinnati canvas page. I keep getting an error message that says please verify username or password and try again. I am for sure using the correct name and password. I have even rese...

  • 1 Replies

I upgraded to the new macOS Sequoia Version 15, and now none of my course content loads. I tried clearing web data, ensuring website tracking and hide IP address were unchecked, but nothing worked. My Safari version is 18, which Canvas said it's supp...

  • 2 Replies

I am my school's Canvas admin.  I allowed my teachers this year to use the cross listing as a feature in order to save them time.  However, when I run the grade export at the account level, the CSV grade export which is generated from Canvas is showi...

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Canvas Question Forum
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