Community Contributor
LMS Product Manager
May 6, 2015 10:21:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Faculty expect the Eye Icon in SpeedGrader to work the same as the old Mute/Unmute feature, but it does not.
We recently discovered that if an assignment has the Automatic Post Policy applied and yo...
We recently discovered that if an assignment has the Automatic Post Policy applied and you hide grades, it is only hiding the grades that exist at the time you click Hide Grades. Grades you enter afte...
This is a lovely update since there have been so many faculty who have overwritten content when they intended to make a duplicate instead. I think it would be significantly improved if the warning onl...
Yay!!! for the Manual text plus Eye iconography. I was not a fan of the Eye plus Dot iconography. This is MUCH more understandable. Thank you for listening to feedback and coming up with a better opti...
Yes, that is how various units currently work with templates - they put them in Canvas Commons and folks can choose to import the template then add/build in their customized content as desired.
The re...
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Problem statement:
Currently, Instructure documentation states that TA in a course cannot access Item Banks shared with the course: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-share-a...
Apologies, this is a duplicate idea for one I had previously created: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Courses-Delay-applying-Missing-Policy-until-after-course-is/idc-p/627339
This change is still needed. We saw more faculty get caught by this 'feature' this term more than previously - possibly because more faculty have been finding/using the Missing Policy. Also, I...
When instructors set a Manual Post Policy students are not able to see grades or submission comments until the instructor posts grades. We recently noticed that the date/time associated with the submi...
It would also be great if comments from the Comment Library could be appended to an in-progress comment rather than replacing any currently existing text.
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