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Posting this for a faculty member...Does anyone know how to implement proper scoring in a Canvas quiz?  Unlike a multiple-choice test item where examinees are forced to choose exactly one of the options as the supposedly correct answer, in a proper s...

  • 1 Replies

How can collaborations be graded, say for group projects? Will it show up in the grade book or speedgrader?

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When utilizing HTML for tasks such as crafting an announcement, I typically replicate the HTML code and paste it into a separate Canvas classroom announcement. However, I have encountered an issue where the graphics fail to display in the new course ...

  • 2 Replies

I am going to Costa Rica next week and would like to continue to access my courses and answer my students' questions. I am a college instructor using Canvas LMS. Please answer me yes or no if I will be able to access Canvas in Costa Rica, from Canvas...

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Hello, Problem: We use the integration function which auto-populates the courses and registered students. We prefer to allow students to access the courses for each semester at least 1 week prior to classes beginning. This means every semester we man...

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Hi! i'm starting a canvas classroom. i'm trying to figure out if i can keep tabs on how long a student send on each individual page. For clarification, I have 10 modules and the modules usually have around 5-7 units in each. I want to be able to keep...

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Hi, I am experimenting with the new feature "Restrict Student View of Quantitative Data" in our beta instance. I enabled it at the root account level (in beta). I have 2 questions: 1. a tooltip on the setting says: "When selected, this setting will l...

  • 2 Replies

Why does the Home Section and Modules Section have the same content in them?Should I leave all the content in the Module section and delete the other content from the Home section?This seems to be redundant.Thanks for your help or suggestions.

  • 4 Replies

I am pretty sure i already know the answer to my question but i am going to post this anyway just because I am new here and i am learning all of this...... Ive always been told the more you do something the better you get at it so, that is what i am ...

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see above I liked Canvas when it was a small alternative to the previous software (which I have thankfully forgotten) but now it is sending me nonsense crap and it needs to stop.  I don't want to know what a LMS is.  

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I am backing up a course that I teach at my institution in my free Canvas account. I downloaded the course content as a .imscc file. When I upload the course package into the my free Canvas account all of the design elements are lost. All I see is th...

  • 2 Replies

Whenever I copy a course over or do a blueprint sync into a new course, a blank assignments group is always shown at the top of the assignments page. It doesn't matter whether the source course has a group called Assignments or not. It seems to alway...

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I have seen many wonderfully coded pages in other courses which look extremely professional.  Does anyone have access to an HTML guide for how to use the rich content editer?

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What does the number "participations_level" indicate in the API endpoint "/api/v1/courses/:course_id/analytics/student_summaries"? I can't find any (easy) explanation by looking at data from my students, nor from the documentation (Analytics - Canvas...

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Is anyone aware of a 3rd-party tool that can mass-clone courses in Canvas? We currently use Blueprints with our ever-growing catalog that runs 8 terms a year. Our current process requires me to manually create the associated courses every term and it...

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After "unpublishing" courses in my dashboard, the courses show as "published" again the next time I log into Canvas. How is it that they publishing without my permission?

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Hello there, Is it possible for a student to submit a zipped file for an assignment?  Will the submission type 'file uploads' accommodate this?  Will the file be able to go through Turnitin?  Would the lecturer have to download and unzip the file to ...

  • 3 Replies

Hi everyone and thanks in advance. Is it possible to post an image to Canvas and embed multiple links? I'm thinking something like a "roadmap" with links to different sections. Being able to select different parts of an image each pointing to specifi...

  • 6 Replies

I have added buttons (images created on Canva) to my homepage and linked them to another Canvas Page. But when I click on the HomePage it jumps straight to the link. I have tried deleting, re-adding and changing the page that I am linking it to but i...

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How do  see my observers on  canvas or can only staff see it

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Im a Student and my schools semester has recently ended so I'm trying to find my courses for my new semester. My calender for the future is empty and I'v checked my 'all courses' tab as instructed in the solution in another post, but my new courses w...

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i am tying to review the course material before my class starts on 01/16 but it says OER I don't know what that means and where to locate the book. please help

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Is there a way to see in the Grades overview whether a student has submitted a discussion post response after a grade has been added? Right now to see if a student has added responses, I have to manually check each student's submission in Speed Grade...

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Is there a way to hide New Analytics for students? We only want admins seeing and having access to these analytics. I tried to remove the tool from the left-hand nav menu, but it still appears on the right side of the screen when logged in as a stude...

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hello i am trying to log into my account but i forgot my password and my number changed from the number i have on my account so i caant reset it because they try and send a text to my number that i dont have. how do i change the number or reset my pa...

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I have searched the forums and the guides to find a definition of these terms but have been unable to find one. I did find a question by irishb in 2017 but the answer did not provide the answers in 2024. I assume that the pdf has been edited and thus...

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OK, so I have a specific, rather simple need.  I've searched the archives and been brought up short.  I teach team-based physics with an in-class team based problem solving segment, ungraded.  Students access an in-class problem set (out of roughly 5...

  • 2 Replies

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! I've run into an issue with unwanted space between an embedded video and text immediately below. There are no obvious errors in the HTML. Furthermore, the issue seems to only appear on the mobile versions of the Ca...

  • 4 Replies

When completing a quiz as a test student (Student View) in a course, you cannot unsubmit or get rid of the Test Student quiz. That means the quiz cannot be unpublished, even when you remove the test student from the course. There are several obvious ...

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One of our teachers came to me yesterday with an issue in Speedgrader. In a web URL submission assignment, for just a couple of her kids, she got this Google login error screen: It's not a screen I've seen before (usually it's an authorization promp...

  • 4 Replies