Canvas for Elementary AND Classic Canvas - Crosslisted?

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We are a unified K-12 district, and we use both classic Canvas (6-12) and Canvas for Elementary (PK-5). Some of our courses are an alternative format, including two different types of online schooling. One of those options is in the Canvas for Elementary sub-account and the other is in classic Canvas.

Does anyone know if a classic Canvas course cross-listed into a Canvas for Elementary course will behave like a C4E course? Or do we have to keep the students separate based on their Canvas sub-account?

The students are all high school students; there will be no mixing of students of widely differing ages.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @TrishaMeyer1 

When you cross-list a section, you are basically just moving the students from one course shell to another.  So, the cross-listed section should behave just like the other section in the course that it has been cross-listed into. 

At least, that is how it works with all other settings/tools/etc. that are installed on a sub-account level---the students (and teachers) see the tools, settings, branding, etc. for the sub-account that the actual course is in, not the sub-account that the section may have originally been in before it was cross-listed.

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