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How do I login into my studio so I can use it and is studio linked to our canvas account where we do our homework and look at an assignments I'm not able to download a video in my discussion boards I should be using the studio correct

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @CurtisMosby ...

I'm not sure I completely understand your question.  It sounds like you are a student.  Canvas Studio is a paid add-on for the Canvas LMS (Learning Management System).  For students, there would be a "Studio" icon on the far left-hand global navigation menu (the same navigation menu where you would find buttons like "Account", "Dashboard", "Courses", "inbox", etc.  Hopefully your instructor has provided you and your classmates with instructions on how you should be using Studio for your coursework.  That's not something that we here in the Community would be able to we do not have access to any of your courses or your Canvas environment.  So, we wouldn't be able to tell you whether or not you should be using Studio for discussion topics in your course.  That would be something to ask your instructor about.

If you have some time, there are a handful of written tutorials that are specific to students...under the heading "Students and Studio": Canvas Studio Guide - Instructure Community (

To contact your instructor, you can follow the steps outlined in: How do I get help with Canvas as a student?.

Hopefully some or all of this information will be of some help to you.  Good luck, and let Community members know if we can be of further help.

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