Configuring Single-Sign-On with G-Suite

Note: Once enabled, our system does not notify your staff that they have access to LearnPlatform.

Prerequisites include:

  • Organization Administrator access to your organization’s LearnPlatform account
  • GSuite Domain Administrator access through your organization
  • Your organization’s subdomain must be listed in LearnPlatform's setting configurations

Configuring LearnPlatform Account

  1. Sign in to your LearnPlatform administrator account, click on:
    Settings > Single Sign On > Single Sign On Type > SAML 2.0 
  2. Toggle “ON” the Use organization domain for callback urls at the bottom of your Single-Sign-On page.

Configuring GSuite

  1. In a separate window or tab, sign in to your G-Suite administrator dashboard (typically at
  1. Click Apps > Web and mobile apps > Add App (+) 
  2. From the dropdown, select: Add Custom SAML app
  1. In the App Details window, type LearnPlatform as the App Name.
    1. Download the following image to use as the icon for your custom SAML app. Upload this image as the App Icon.
    2. After, press CONTINUE.
  1. Copy the SSO URL, Entity ID, and Certificate from this page into the associated field in LearnPlatform's SSO setup page (see 7a, 7b, and 7c).
    1. SSO URL = Identity Provider Redirect URL in LearnPlatform
    2. Entity ID = Identity Provider Logout URL in LearnPlatform
    3. Certificate = certificate

Certificate field: take special care to not include extra spaces or change the formatting of the certificate. We recommend pasting in a text processor like Notepad to remove formatting.
  1. Press CONTINUE in the Google Admin Console
  1. In the Google Admin Console, fill in the "ACS URL” and “Entity ID” fields. These are found on the LearnPlatform’s SAML setup page.
    1. ACS URL = the first callback URL ending in “/callback/”  in LearnPlatform
    2. Entity ID = the second callback url ending in “/metadata/” in LearnPlatform

Make sure you capture the backward slash (/) at the end of each of these Entity ID and ACS URL and avoid any spaces. If the URLs are not identical, your setup may not work properly. 
  1. ADD MAPPINGS in the Google Admin Console.
    Enter the attribute mapping fields as demonstrated in the image below (no spaces and appropriate capitalization). Press FINISH when mapping is complete.
    1. Select the “primary email” Google Directory attribute on the left. Enter “email” as its App Attribute.
    2. Then select the “First name” Google Directory attribute on the left. Enter “FirstName” as its App Attribute.
    3. Finally, select the “Last name” Google Directory attribute on the left. Enter “LastName” as its App Attribute.

  1. Set to ‘ON for everyone’
  1. Go back to LearnPlatform’s SAML setup page and enter the same attribute mapping fields as you added in your Google Admin Console. Remember to match both case and exact formatting. Press APPLY when all fields are completed.
  1. Your final LearnPlatform SSO set up page should look similar to the image below.
  1. Click "Apply"
  2. Bookmark your LearnPlatform Login:
  • Your subdomain is located on LearnPlatform > Settings > Display Appearance Tile 

Please keep in mind that these settings may take up to 24 hours to propagate to all users. 

You are all set!


If you have questions or need additional support, please take a look at Troubleshooting my Google Single Sign On (SSO) for SAML or email