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I would love a list of prompts that are actually being used by institutions. Yesterday I was helping an advisor, and we came up with something like "Give me the total grade for ____ student in all of their courses for Spring 2025."  I think we had to...

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Intelligent Insights Questions
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Hello, It appears that Mount Pleasant HS has to use Skyward to post comments with a final grade. I do not need to comment assignments. What is important to me is to explain the failing grade in a comment and post other remarks with the grade.Sincerel...

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Intelligent Insights Questions
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I am looking for an AI grading program that connects to Canvas.  Is there one?

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Intelligent Insights Questions
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How do I use Intelligent Insights to create a list of students who have no activity in their courses but are still active students in the course?     I have tried the following statements: provide a list of students registered in Fall 2024 who have n...

  • 2 Replies

When I checked my institutions "Feature Options" area, I do not see any of the Intelligent Insight tools. Additionally, when I check the Analytics Hub home page for my account, I see that there's this image:  I take it that the Intelligent Insights ...

  • 3 Replies

What kinds of key criteria can I set to determine if students are in need of attention?

  • 2 Replies

What kinds of key criteria can I set to determine if courses are ready or not ready?

  • 1 Replies

Hello,  I was wondering how Intelligent Insights determines if a course meets criteria for course readiness? For example, if an admin turns on Syllabus as Content Criteria, how does Intelligent Insights know that the criteria has been met? Would a te...

  • 4 Replies

Can you use the new Ask Your Data to pull rubric data across courses/programs into a spreadsheet? If so can it include the rubric scores and comments as well? For example, could I use this as a prompt "Pull all of the rubric data including scores and...

  • 2 Replies