How do I view the waitlist for a Catalog course or program?
As a Catalog admin, if you set an enrollment cap when you add a course or add a program, you can create a waitlist for the listing. When the enrollment cap limit is reached, the listing displays a waitlist option for students to join the course or program when additional spots become available.
When a student drops out of a course or program from the Catalog dashboard, the first student on the waitlist will be added to the course (for free courses) or be notified of the opening and given enrollment instructions (for paid courses).
If no students drop a course or program, you can manually add students to a course from the waitlist by increasing the enrollment cap.
Note: For a waitlist to activate for a dropped course, the course must be dropped in the Catalog dashboard. If a student drops a course from the Canvas dashboard, the action is not recognized by Catalog, and the waitlist does not open for that listing in Catalog.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Open Listing Details

Click the Details tab.
Open Wait List

Scroll down the listing to the Student Cap section. The number of students on the waitlist displays [1]. To open the waitlist, click the View List link [2].
Note: The View List link displays only if there are students on the waitlist.
View Waitlist

The Waitlist window displays the student information in the order in which they were added [1]. The first name on the list is the first to be enrolled or receive an enrollment invitation when a spot opens.
To close the Waitlist window, click the Close button [2].