How do I manage subcatalog admin access as a Canvas Catalog admin?
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can enable and disable permissions for other users to act as subcatalog admins for individual subcatalogs. Any user who already has a Catalog account can be given subcatalog admin status. Subcatalog admins can manage any subcatalogs within a catalog.
Subcatalog admins can download reports and manage listings in their assigned catalogs. When cross listing permissions are enabled, subcatalog admins can cross list course and program listings in more than one catalog.
Subcatalog admins can add tags to listings in their assigned catalogs. When tags permissions are enabled, subcatalog admins can also create and manage all tags in the institution's account.
When revenue modification permissions are enabled, Subcatalog admins can modify revenue and view revenue modification information.
Open Admin

Click the User drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Select Catalog
In the Add Subcatalog Admins section, enter all or part of a Catalog user name in the Search for a user field [1].
To select a Catalog user, click the user's name [2].
To select a catalog for the user to manage, click the Please select a catalog drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the catalog name [2].
Note: To add a user to more than one catalog, you can select multiple catalogs from the Please select a catalog drop-down menu.
Add Subcatalog Admin
To add the user as a subcatalog admin on the selected catalogs, click the Add Subcatalog Admin button.
Manage Permissions
To search for a user in the list, enter part or all of the name in the Search field [1].
By default, cross listing permissions are disabled. To allow the subcatalog admin to list courses and programs in more than one catalog, click the Cross listings toggle on [2].
By default, the Integration tab permission is disabled. To allow the subcatalog admin to view and access the Integrations tab, click the Initiate Integration toggle on [3].
By default, revenue modification permissions are disabled. To allow the subcatalog admin to add or delete revenue for a listing and view the modification history, click the Manage Revenue toggle on [4].
By default, tags permissions are enabled. To prevent subcatalog admins from creating and managing account tags, click the Tags toggle off [5].
Note: Subcatalog admins can add tags to course or program listings in their assigned catalogs, regardless of the tag permissions.
Manage Subcatalog Admin
To open the Manage subcatalog admin window, find the user's name in the list and click the See [1] more link [1].
To delete the user as a subcatalog admin on all subcatalogs for which they have access, click the user's Delete icon [2].
To delete the user as subcatalog admin for a single catalog, click the catalog's Delete icon [3].
Note: If the user has subcatalog admin access for only one subcatalog, the See (1) catalog link displays [4].