How do I add a course listing in Canvas Catalog?
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can create a Catalog listing using any course in your Canvas account. Catalog courses must be linked to a pre-existing Canvas course, and if a Canvas course has multiple sections, you can select one section in which you want to enroll students who register with Catalog. Listings can also be self-paced. Self-paced listings enroll each student in their own section and do not support group work.
- This lesson describes the process for adding a course listing using the original Listings tab. To add a course using newer features, use the Listings (new) tab.
- If a course that you want to list in Catalog is not already in your Canvas account, you must first add it to Canvas before you can add it as a listing in Catalog.
- A Canvas course can only be linked to a single Catalog listing at one time. This includes multiple sections of the same course.
- Learn more about how Canvas Catalog interacts with your institution's Canvas account.
Open Admin

In the User drop-down menu, click the Admin link.
Add Course
Click the Listings tab [1]. Then, click the Add Course button [2].
Search Canvas Courses

Enter the name of the course you want to list in Catalog in the Add a Course field [1].
To select a course from the list, click the course name [2]. Then, click the Create Listing button [3].
Notes: A Canvas course, including all of its sections, can only be linked to one Catalog listing at a time. If a Canvas course is already in use in another Catalog listing, the course name does not display in the search results.
Manage Enrollment Status
By default, listings are not open for enrollment. To allow students to register for the listing, click the Open For Enrollment toggle [1].
When the Open for Enrollment toggle is switched on, the optional Start and End fields display. To add optional start and end dates and times for the course, enter them in the Start and End fields [2]. Alternatively, you can click the Date and Time icons to enter dates and times [3].
- When the Open For Enrollment toggle is on and start or end dates are entered, the listing displays in the catalog, but enrollment is allowed only during the set dates/times.
- If no start or end dates are entered, the listing is labeled as self-paced.
Add Listing Image

To add an image to your Catalog listing, drag an image into the Listing Image window [1].
To select a file to upload from your computer, click the Choose a file to upload link [2].
Add Alt Text

To add alt text to your image, enter the text in the Listing Image Attributes field [1].
To add an image without alt text, click the No Alt Text (Decorative Image) checkbox [2].
Add Course Card Details

To add an optional paragraph summarizing the course that displays on the listing page, enter text in the Teaser field [1].
Enter an optional number of days that the course will be available for each enrolled student in the Days to Complete field [2].
Enter an optional number of credits awarded for the course in the Credits field [3]. You can enter whole or decimal numbers.
Enter an optional fee for the course in the Enrollment Fee (USD) field [4].
Bulk purchasing is enabled or disabled by default, depending on how it is set in the your institution's catalog or subcatalog. To disable or enable bulk purchasing for the course, click the Bulk Purchase toggle [5].
If listing SKUs have been enabled for your account, you can add a SKU in the Listing SKU field [6].
- The Teaser text field supports up to 1,000 characters. On the listing page approximately 280 characters display without expanding the text.
- In Catalog, the countdown of days to complete begins the day the student enrolls in the course.
- If the Days to Complete field is left blank, the listing will be designated as self-paced. Self-paced listings enroll each student in their own section, and do not support group work.
Add Description and Tags

To add a full course description, enter text in the Full Description field [1].
To add a tag, enter it in the Tags field [2]. Tags that already exist in the account display in the drop-down menu. To select a pre-existing tag from the list, click a tag name [3].
To create a new tag in your account, enter it in the Tags field and click the Create Tag button [4].
To remove a tag, click the tag's Remove icon [6].
Note: There is no character limit for a full course description.
Select Catalog and Section
To select the Catalog where you want the listing to appear, click the Catalog drop-down menu [1]. Then select a catalog name [2].
If the linked Canvas course has more than one section, the most recently added section displays by default. To link the Catalog listing to a different section, click the Section drop-down menu [3]. Then, click a section name [4].
Note: A Canvas course can only be linked to a single Catalog listing at one time. This includes multiple sections of the same course.
View Visibility and Listing Settings
By default, listing visibility is set to Hide Listing. To mange visibility settings, click the Visibility drop-down menu [1].
To designate the order the course should display in catalog listings, enter a number in the List Order field [2]. If not specified, the course will have no priority list order.
The Listing Path field [3] is the name of the listing added to the end of the catalog URL, e.g. [domain URL]/courses/[listing path]. The listing path will be generated for you based on the Canvas course code. If necessary, you can modify the listing path in the text field. Listing paths should be unique per catalog account and support lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes.
To copy the listing path URL, click the Copy URL button [4].
Set Enrollment Cap and Wait List

To set an optional maximum number of students who can enroll in the course, enter a number in the Student Cap field [1].
To enable a wait list after the enrollment cap is reached, click the Allow Wait List checkbox [2].
To view the wait list, click the View Wait List link [3].
To set a cap for the course wait list, enter a number in the Wait List Cap field [4].
Learn more about enrollment caps and wait lists.
View Preview

To view the course card as it displays to users, click the Preview window [1].
To open the course for enrollment, click the Open for Enrollment toggle on [2].
To view the Canvas course to which the Catalog listing is linked, click the View Canvas Course link [3].
Create Listing

To save changes and create the listing, click the Create button.