How do I add user defined fields to customize catalog registration?
As a Catalog admin, you can add user defined fields to a catalog. User defined fields allow you to customize the information you gather during user registration in addition to the default fields of Full Name and Email.
By default, user defined fields are collected for new user registrations only. To allow user defined fields to display when existing users enroll in a course, you can enable user defined fields during enrollments in the Catalog Info tab.
By default, user defined fields created in a parent catalog are applied to all subcatalogs. Custom user defined fields can be added to a subcatalog by disabling the default setting.
Learn more about editing and deleting user defined fields.
Note: Data collected in user defined fields displays in the Enrollments and Users tabs of the Analytics page.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Add User Defined Fields
To add user defined fields to a parent catalog, click the User Defined Fields tab [1]. Then, click the Add Field button [2].
To select which fields to display, click the Visibility buttons [3].
Note: Administrators can toggle the visibility of User Defined Fields. This feature allows outdated or unnecessary fields to be hidden from user-facing forms without deleting them, preserving historical data for reporting and analytics.
Add Custom Fields in Subcatalog
To add custom user defined fields to a subcatalog, navigate to the subcatalog and click the User Defined Fields tab. By default, subcatalogs inherit user defined fields from the parent catalog.
To omit or add custom user defined fields to the subcatalog, click the Inherit User Defined Fields from parent catalog toggle off [1].
Then, to add custom user defined fields to the subcatalog, click the Add Field button [2].
Choose HTML Input Type

To select a user input type, click the HTML Input Type drop-down menu [1].
To add a text field response type, click the text link [2].
To add a checkbox response type, click the checkbox link [3].
To add a date selection calendar response type, click the date link [4].
To add a drop-down menu option select response type, click the select link [5].
To create multiple User Defined Fields configurations for users to select multiple values from a list, click the multiselect link [6].
Create Key and Label

Enter a name key for the field in the Key text-box [1]. Use lowercase letters and numbers. Spaces are not allowed, use underscores or dashes between words.
Enter the text for the field name that displays during user registration in the Label text-box [2]. You can format the field name text, or include a link in the text field in the Rich Text Editor.
Note: You are required to enter text in both the Key and Label fields.
Enter Select Options

If the select response type is chosen, you can enter up to 1000 options for users to select from. To add an option, type the option and hit the enter key [1].
Alternatively, to enter a list of selection options from a CSV, click the Import from CSV link [2]. In the CSV file, enter a single option in a cell, and add additional options in subsequent cells in the column. Catalog prompts you to select a CSV from your computer. When the upload has finished, the options display in the Options field.
Create Required Field

To indicate that the field is required to complete registration, click the This field is required checkbox [1]. To display an error message in a required field that is left blank, enter text in the Error Message field [2].
Save Field

Click the Create button.