How do I integrate Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, or LinkedIn with my institution's Canvas Catalog?
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can integrate Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, or LInkedIn with your root catalog by adding your Google Analytics ID, Google Tag Manager Tracking ID, or your LInkedIn Partner ID to the Catalog Info page settings.
- Google Analytics ID, Google Tag Manager Tracking ID, and LInkedIn Partner ID can only be added at the root account and to the root Catalog. Google Analytics cannot be integrated in a subcatalog.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
View Catalog Info

In the Catalog Navigation menu, the Catalog Info tab displays by default.
Enter ID Information
Enter the Google Analytics ID, Google Tag Manager Tracking ID, or LinkedIn Partner ID in the appropriate fields [1]. Then, click the Save button [2].