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I've just had a look at the new turnitin developments in the assignment enhancements. I'm pretty sure the position of the attached files have moved, but this does not appear in the change log. Can anyone else confirm whether they have been moved? I'm...

  • 2 Replies

We use the Spedgrader integration with Turnitin (with our Turnitin settings set to not show by default to students) and with the new enhancement update on the weekend (sept 2022) students can now see their similarity score across all assignments (pas...

  • 5 Replies

In the classic assignment view, a website URL submission type would display tools that have a Homework Submission placement:Classic Interface In the enhanced interface for the website URL submission type, the external tools with an Homework Submissio...

Community Participant
Assignment Enhancements Users
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Hi!In these release notes ( it says that assignments using external tools are supported by assignment enhancements. ...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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We've been keeping an eye on the assignment enhancement developments for some time now. The feature has undergone some significant development since its first iteration and I think these changes work really well. We hope to release this in the new ac...

Community Participant
Assignment Enhancements Users
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I had a consult with a faculty member, and he mentioned the placement of the rubric on the Assignment page in Student View because it is not in an optimal location. If a faculty member has a detailed assignment description and a lengthy rubric, then ...

  • 7 Replies

Can we configure the submission type choices to reorder them, or omit/move Office and prefer Google? When we test, the Google option is hidden behind the kebab menu. We generally avoid Office, although it is technically an option for our people.

Community Contributor
Assignment Enhancements Users
  • 3 Replies

Hi allFor the Assignment Enhacement feature, the language used for the button for a student to resubmit to an assignment has been updated. I've attached an image below, showing the text as it now reads, "Try Again".Is there any scope to change this t...

  • 9 Replies

With assignment enhancements enabled and with the course participation start date set to a date in the future, when viewing assignments as a student via Act As (not the student view), I've noted the following prompt below the instructions is presente...

  • 1 Replies

I'd like to propose that admins, and possibly also instructors, are given the ability to delete a student's assignment submission (not just the file - the submission itself). At minimum, a record should be kept of who deleted the submission and when ...

  • 11 Replies

Assessments with Turnitin activated have a tickbox that presents 'below the fold'.It would be useful for students and for Registry foe this to be located inline with the Submit Assessment button in the fixed position assignments student footer.The pa...

  • 3 Replies

Is there a way to collect the feedback students give and/or recieve on a peer review assignment in their Gradebook?

  • 1 Replies

In the last day or two the following has been observed: With Assignment Enhancements enabled Students submit an online assignment using file uploadThe file uploaded is a Google Document or comes from Google WorkspaceWhen the file uploads is does not ...

  • 10 Replies

With the March 2022 assignment enhancement, whenever a student submits an assignment using Google Drive, Canvas automatically converts the assignment to a Microsoft Office assignment.  This prevents the teacher from seeing revision history as well th...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, sorry if this was mentioned before. With Assgn. Enhancement on students seem to have an extra step to view their Turnitin Similarity report.  Thoughts?  Original:  Students would go to submission feedback or details ...

  • 4 Replies

With Assignment Enhancements enabled, there is now no easy way for a student to download the original file(s) they submitted. Only a rendered/annotated PDF can be downloaded. Please add a simple link that lets students download the original files the...

  • 9 Replies

In the assignment enhancements document overview it states that external tools are supported but when I create an assignment with external tool, I see classic student view. I thought it may because the external tool assignments had been created earli...

  • 2 Replies

I'm working with Assignment Enhancements in Beta so I don't know if this is the case in Production, but I notice some wonky things when acting as a student where File Upload is chosen as the assignment's submission type. 1) The selection buttons are ...

  • 2 Replies

@jsailor: When commenting on an assignment, it seems the student gets the link to the old detail page (before the enhancement). The link the student gets: link I believe the student...

  • 6 Replies

When assignment enhancements are turned on students lose the ability to view the Turnitin similarity report on the student assignment feedback page. Adding this score would be beneficial to the students. And it is available with the enhancements turn...

  • 14 Replies

With the Assignment Enhancement Feature on, it seems as though it is much more difficult to access the document that a student has submitted from the grades page. This has caused some confusion and frustration for some of our students and teachers. W...

  • 3 Replies

We have had a few students reports in the last 36 hours of students being UNABLE to upload assignments with the assignment enhancements interface. The UPLOAD, and drop&drag/browse buttons do not respond. Weirdly, the "MORE' button does respond. When ...

  • 6 Replies

Curious as to how many of you have Assignment Enhancements on by default at your school? Plans to do this for Jan 2022? We are new to Canvas and I'm trying to decide what is the best course of action for these new features. Thanks

  • 2 Replies

I have Assignment Enhancements active in my classes, and in the past week or so documents submitted through Google Drive (both the old one and new LTI 1.3 since our school has both active) do not load in Speed Grader. With the old Google Drive app, ...

  • 6 Replies

Hello - will this project be addressing the notable issue with draft/ unsubmitted instructor comments? To quote myself: "I'll go out on a limb here to suggest that all have an issue with draft comments; i.e. unsubmitted instructor feedback. I make th...

  • 6 Replies

I know according to a recent release that External Tools are now hidden: External tool (LTI) submissions are better supported in Assignment Enhancements. Additionally, the placement of the External Tool buttons have been adjusted. Instead of displayi...

Community Explorer
Assignment Enhancements Users
  • 0 Replies

When Assignment Enhancements is turned off and you click on Media recordings, the first thing you see is Record Media. Upload is on the second tab. When Assignment Enhancements is turned on, the first tab in the new window is Upload Media. Would it ...

  • 1 Replies

With the new upgrade to speed grader, a feature that existed in the previous version was modified. In the old speed grader, if a student submitted multiple versions of an assignment, the teacher could make a comment on each assignment submission. Whe...

  • 10 Replies

I love the reassign assignment feature, but was wondering if when we put requirements on our modules (like must follow the assignments in order, etc), do these reassigned assignments prevent learners from moving forward within their work in the modul...

  • 2 Replies

I'm struggling to know when to turn on this tool for our school. We are new to Canvas and will be using it in full production in Jan 2022 - is it best to turn it on and lock it down at the start of 2022 so that all students and instructors have the s...

  • 7 Replies