Community Coach
Director of Academic Technology Systems
Apr 15, 2015 11:35:42 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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My skill with drawing using a mouse in Docviewer is rather lackluster. So my thought is a palette of predefined images would be ever so helpful. A question mark, green check mark, new paragraph, et...
Hello! I am wondering about when a community member disagrees with an idea suggestion. Will there be a mechanism to enable a 'down vote' or are they to add comments to communicate why they dis...
I disagree with the decision to roll out this feature if it was known that doing so would negatively impact live courses. As noted by @bhmills this has had a major impact for us and is still an is...
Perfect summary! To help make it even better I am contributing a visual.This video is currently being processed. Please try again in a few minutes.(view in My Videos)
Hello - here is recent feedback from our initial set of 22 faculty early adopters:
I can no longer tell if I responded to a student. They posts get all scrambled due to new posts on top. Thi...
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Hello @tengrrl - ahead of replying I tested myself to make sure a change hadn't snuck in on me. ;o) Now that I have done so I can confirm the ability to set a Front Page for groups has not bee...
Hello @MRosenberg - this site does a fine job of providing insights on available tools for AI essay grading. https://www.tomdaccord.com/ai-tools-for-teacher-grading . The author is a speaker / pr...
Hello @jb2483929 - my understanding is that within Canvas, adding new grade columns is part of the create assignment process. If we would be able to create columns via csv file upload I would be ...
Hello @GideonWilliams - I just had one of my students report this issue. We are in the initial stages of exploring the tool and are set to pilot with 5 courses / 150 students beginning in a few we...
Hello @Andreas_Hopf - I like Elijah's suggestion but also wish to share the Canvas HTML Editor Allowlist.
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