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Assignment Enhancements Users

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Assignment Enhancements: Student (Beta)

Improvements to the student assignment experience is available in the beta environment.


Assignment Enhancements - Student is generally available for all Canvas accounts in the production environment.


Assignment Enhancements feature development is ongoing and updated every two weeks. For the latest updates, view the Change Log link in the sidebar.

Fixed bugs for Assignment Enhancements are included in Known Issues.

Assignment Enhancements Users Discussions

Assignment Enhancements Users questions and discussion forum

We were informed by Mastery Connect tech support that this feature in Canvas (Assignment Enhancements) prevents Mastery Connect assessments from displaying in Full Screen resolution. I have disabled this feature in Global in Canvas, but teachers can ...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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Hi, We have a tool that uses LTI 1.1 to pass back grades of an assignment. The tool also attaches an ltiLaunchURL to be shown when the student accesses the grade in the gradebook, so the student can look at the feedback (per

Partner Partner
Assignment Enhancements Users
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Hi, We've been using the Assignment Enhancements for some time and love it.  We also use TurnItIn LTI integration for most of our summative submissions for similarity report, but continue to use SpeedGrader for Feedback and Marking of submitted work....

  • 1 Replies

Been jumping back and forth between Beta and Production and noticed that Google LTI 1.3 works perfectly with Assignment Enhancements inside of Beta, but we're still relegated to the old assignment view when in Production. Is there any hope for LTIs b...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I had a student come into our office today asking for help with an assigned peer review for an oral communications course. The assignment required students to create a presentation and either film a video presenting it or record audio presenti...

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Yanelys Rodriquez

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Best regard Currently, when activating the "Assignment Enhancements - Student" feature option, module prerequisites do not work correctly. If you enter an item (Activity, page, etc.), and it has a prerequisite, a notification appears in the course in...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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I created a rubric and attached it to an assignment. It contains rating descriptions for each cell. However, when I view the rubric in Student View, it does not display any of the detail.  I can't locate any other reports of this and wonder if it mi...

  • 5 Replies

Please tell me my school is not the only one with teachers grumbling about the new changes to the assignment process? 1 - Submission Type automatically changes the Assignment NameAt first, I was incredibly irritated that if I attach anything to the S...

  • 15 Replies

The assignments enhancements only displays the points possible in the submission window for assignments that specifically have points. If the assignment is set to 'percentage' or any of the other options, the possible score does not display in the s...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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Problem statement:When you have an assignment in Canvas and want to use peer review, in the previous assignment interface, students had the option to download the original submitted file when peer reviewing a student. If the submitted file was in the...

  • 5 Replies

The assignment enhancements are awesome for students, but it is causing a problem for instructors. With the assignment enhancements enabled the instructor has to switch to the prior submission to see comments that were made on a student's work. Instr...

  • 8 Replies

Issue: I notice that Assignment Enhancements are not applied to any assignments created using Google Assignments LTI 1.3. Proposed Solution: Since we now have the option of grading Google Assignments in SpeedGrader along with attaching rubrics, it wo...

  • 3 Replies

This was a feature of the old Assignments but when Assignment Enhancements - Student is switched on this is no longer available to students   

  • 1 Replies

Greetings everyone! In studying student interactions with instructor feedback in the LMS, I found a peer reviewed article called “Responding to Student Writing Online: Tracking Student Interactions with Instructor Feedback in a Learning Management Sy...

  • 5 Replies

I'm newish to Canvas and wondered if the Mastery Paths could be used for contract grading (i.e. do X, get a B, do X+Y, get an A). I'm pretty progressive in my classes and assessment and am struggling to find a more holistic way to use this function o...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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Is there any way that a student can use a rubric for their own  self-assessment and evaluation? For example as a type of question in a quizz? Thank you, 

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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We switched to the Assignment Redesign in mid-January. Since we switched, we have seen an increase in student calls/chats to our Help Desk and faculty in the following areas:1. The Turnitin End User Agreement box is small and easily missed by student...

  • 5 Replies

We have turned Assignment Enhancements on for all of our courses.  Now when you are using the all courses search and view a course that has assignments with rubrics attached, you can now no longer see the rubrics.Before assignment enhancements was tu...

  • 1 Replies

Very confused. Midday today there seemed to be new features pushed to production if the course setting to preview assignment enhancements was set to "Enabled" (which seemed to happen by default at some point?). Anyways it broke our UI. Then a few hou...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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I have my assignments locked until they submit the previous assignment. I like this feature because it allows them to see where they’re at easily. The problem I’m running into is when I have to reassign something. Is there a way to have the assignmen...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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Hi were using Savvas in Canvas using through the external tool. They have docs they download from there and then need to upload them into the canvas but the submission type tool is taken by the externa tool for Savvas, so just add another submission ...

  • 1 Replies

Previous to the PowerSchool API teachers could see the score of an earlier attempt in PowerSchool.  Now it shows the attempt but doesn't report the score the student received.  This is a loss of functionality that needs to be addressed.

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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We enabled Assignment Enhancements in August ahead of the Fall semester. We have just noticed an issue with the feature. On an assignment with file restrictions enabled (i.e. ppt, pptx) students can still access the Studio button and submit a Studio ...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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When accessing Studio via an assignment screen, the embedded Studio panel is too short and cannot be resized. This means you have to scroll up and down to access functions. You cannot see the whole webcam view while you are recording or after you hav...

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Assignment Enhancements Users
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Hi all,I would like to let students to insert their names and topics choosen in a table.This "global" single table should be compiled by every student within a specific day/time, as an assignment, even if there will not be a grade.What solution shoul...

  • 4 Replies

2 submit buttons in the Google Drive assignment submission upload process creates confusion and results in missed submissions. This process or the buttons should be updated for better clarity. Current process:Student chooses submission type > GoogleS...

  • 1 Replies
  • 1 Replies

This may or may not be the correct place for this but, there seems to be a bug with Assignment Enhancements when students use the More button to select either Google Apps or Google Assignments (LTI 1.3). While the documents are converted into their r...

  • 2 Replies
Getting Started

Current Feature Information

This feature is in active development and updated frequently.

Members (361)