Does Grade Passback include letter grades?

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We are passing Canvas grades to ProgressBook gradebook.  Do letter grades pass to ProgressBook?

What about Canvas grading terms such as "late", "missing", and "excused"?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@ChrisGutermuth The OneRoster specification dictates that during grade passback, the score must be a numeric value.  That means that letter scores can not be synced to ProgressBook from Canvas.  If an assignment is graded with letter grades, the score is converted to a numeric value based on the scores in the grading scheme in the course.  The excused and missing (not submitted) status are also synced.  The late label is not synced to ProgressBook currently, but if a score is lowered as a result of a late policy in the Canvas grade book,  the lowered score will be used in the grade sync to ProgressBook.

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