Grade Passback to Aspen Failing at POST with Error "Missing value; gscScore"

Community Explorer

Hi all,

I am hoping someone has faced a similar issue or is facing one now that can provide some insight on this issue, as it has been a week of back-and-forth with support teams with no solution.

Prior to last week, our grade syncing from Canvas to Aspen was working seamlessly. However, as of last week, grade syncing has not been working. Specifically, assignments are syncing and populating in Aspen, but grades are not. The sync process fails at the final part (posting grades) and gives the error code: "ONE-00008; Error on saving bean com.x2dev.sis.model.beans.GradebookScore; Missing value; gscScore."

Canvas reports they have never seen this issue, and Aspen is unable to determine what is going on, but they did confirm that our API settings appear correct.

Has anyone run into a similar issue or have any sort of insight into how I can get to the bottom of this? It would be SO appreciated. I have full admin rights on both platforms if needed.


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