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I am trying to sync an assignment from Canvas to PowerSchool. However, the assignment will not sync, and I am receiving an error message stating that the assignment was not found. Does anyone know how to resolve this other than manually entering the ...

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Hi, We have the SIS Integration with Aspire set up, and it generally works very well. I have one student who does not sync no matter what I do. This has happened since the start of the year, and teachers end up hand keying his grades to Aspire, and w...

  • 1 Replies

When my grades sync to PowerSchool the Missing Icon is appearing and it should not be there.  How do I get this to stop?  I am a teacher who has several Canvas Courses syncing to PowerSchool and I thought I fixed the issue in the settings in Canvas, ...

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As an Admin, how do I download grades for ALL of my teachers courses to see if they are up to date on their grades?

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I have a CANVAS assignment that will not upload to IC.Sync is checked and I have Synced several times this morning with no results.The assignment is called Battle of the Tragic Heros.

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How do I, as a Canvas Admin., set up/enable the grade sync in Canvas so that teachers only see the current quarter assignments instead of the year assignments?  I have found that each teacher can manually turn off the sync for past quarters within th...

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Hello, we recently migrated to Canvas and I am having some issues integrating it with our SIS. We use SONIS (Jenzabar product). Does anyone else use SONIS and wouldn't mind connecting with me so I can pick their brain?  I need help on where exactly I...

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I am using Canvas integration with NCCERConnect (Pearson). I am having trouble with the grades not being synced correctly from NCCERConnect into Canvas. I have spoken with Pearson and they have looked over my settings and they say it is not an issue ...

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We have PowerSchool eSchool for our SIS.  We also use the OneRoster standard with ClassLink for rostering applications.  Can you offer an opinion on a preferred way to integrate with Canvas.  A few things we would like:Ease of useNotifications of suc...

  • 3 Replies

It is my understanding that comments entered with grading information can be synced to PowerSchool if OneRoster is used.  We have OneRoster but I cannot find how teachers can have comments transfer from Canvas to PowerSchool.  Is there a setting that...

Community Explorer
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Using the Canvas API I am able to import most data I need using SIS imports as CSV.Is there a way to go in the opposite direction and export users/logins/enrollments as CSV?I need to essentially clean up the data on our instance, but don't see an obv...

  • 2 Replies

When attempting to sync assignments to PowerSchool(under sync sis categories), I see them marked as "unassociated" with no other options available. Any idea why that is happening or how to fix that issue?

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Our district uses the syncing option from Canvas to Infinite Campus. Recently, we discovered that assignments with a decimal in the assignment point value do not transfer to IC as decimals. The point value gets rounded down to the nearest whole numbe...

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We have some early start classes (1/6) before our semester starts (1/27) and the shells have the correct course dates that are being pulled from ILP that keep having the "Participation" dates defaulting to "Term" (1/27) rather than "Course" (1/6). I'...

Community Explorer
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Hi Just wondering about the response time for a SIS escalated issue. Canvas has pulled our 2025 data from the SIS; however, there are a number of issues regarding the course creation that impacts on our capacity to make these courses live for either ...

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We would like to utilize the Attendance in Canvas, but it does not correlate with our SIS Jenzabar system.  Does anyone have solutions?  Currently, we have faculty recording attendance in Canvas, but Canvas is not reporting to Jenzabar to ensure that...

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Hello there,We are trying to integrate Canvas with Alma and follow the operation guide. the end, it says I need to confirm with Canvas whether the integration is possible. Who should ...

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Hi all, I am hoping someone has faced a similar issue or is facing one now that can provide some insight on this issue, as it has been a week of back-and-forth with support teams with no solution. Prior to last week, our grade syncing from Canvas to ...

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We use Canvas LMS and Veracross SIS.  We have adjust the grading period terms in VC for our lower school classes, but that does not seem to be syncing over to Canvas.  Is there a way to make that happen, or do we need to manually adjust the Canvas co...

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Hi everyone,I am learning how to use Learning Stream and Canvas. We recently created an Event in Learning Stream with a connection to Canvas course ID number. We had batch enrolled registrants in that Canvas ID number. My colleague then put them into...

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My overall grades for students don't match their overall grade in Infinite Campus after syncing grades from Canvas to IC. The percentages are approximately 1% off. How do I fix this?

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Is there a way, as a district Canvas admin to run the remaster grade passback process for all courses at once?   I'd like to do this to get an accurate snapshot in time of the current sync issues, by downloading the sync log from the SIS Integration ...

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When my students view their grades in Synergy, I want them to see their current cumulative average grade at all times throughout the semester. When I sync my grades for assignments from Canvas to Synergy, the grade for that assignment only applies to...

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Can I add new assignment status options to Canvas and have them GPB to my SIS (Veracross).  The SIS has available categories (such as Pending or Turned In Not Graded), but i'm not sure if GPB will pick up any new options I add to Canvas.

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Last year, the layout of the Gradebook and Sync Grades changed, and I can't get it back the way it was. I must scroll through all the assignments and uncheck what has already been synced to sync a new assignment. I sync grades weekly. Is there a work...

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This is our first year using SIS integration / Grade Passback with Canvas I'm just curious if anyone has any tip, tricks or advice from their experience?  Does it work well? Do the teachers like it or even use it? Any problems during the initial roll...

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Our Canvas instance currently uses Banner field X to assign the Canvas ID. We are looking to change the designated field from X to Y using the "change_sis_id.csv" table. What are the (if any) downstream effects of changing this in the user record wit...

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A student had a schedule change, he moved from my Period 1 class to my Period 6 class. None of his scores from when he was in Period 1 will sync from the Canvas gradebook to our SIS (Synergy). And when I am in the Synergy gradebook, I cannot manually...

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Are any higher education institutions using the grade passback to send only midterm and final grades to Banner? If so, how did you all accomplish this?

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I cannot sync grades from Canvas to Infinite Campus.When syncing, I get the same error: "Not a graded course session."I have my Canvas and Infinite Campus settings configured the same as the other teachers at my school (as far as I can tell) and othe...

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