
Chris Gutermuth
Community Explorer
Jul 25, 2022 6:26:47 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Thank you, Chris.  Very helpful.  I thought that something was different.  Now I know it was the removal of the direct link to "Unsplash".
Likes: 2
We are passing Canvas grades to ProgressBook gradebook.  Do letter grades pass to ProgressBook? What about Canvas grading terms such as "late", "missing", and "excused"?
Likes: 1
Problem statement: Student "Grades" view - Would like the ability to set the student "grades" view to show letter grades only for individual assignment scores but the quantitative resu...
Likes: 0
Does Canvas offer a repository of vetted images that can be used in a Canvas course?
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: Student "Grades" view - Would like the ability to set the student "grades" view to show letter grades only for individual assignment scores but the quantitative resu...
Feb 13, 2024 12:26 PM
We are passing Canvas grades to ProgressBook gradebook.  Do letter grades pass to ProgressBook? What about Canvas grading terms such as "late", "missing", and "excused"?
Oct 18, 2023 05:46 AM
Thank you, Chris.  Very helpful.  I thought that something was different.  Now I know it was the removal of the direct link to "Unsplash".
Jan 12, 2023 10:30 AM
Does Canvas offer a repository of vetted images that can be used in a Canvas course?
Jan 12, 2023 08:55 AM

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