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All educators, including myself, can agree that we want all of our students to succeed and do their best, no matter what they decide to do. Whether its a sport, after-school club, or even academics. I always strive to be the kind of teacher that will...

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Frequently Asked Questions from our Canvas Free-for-Teacher users

Instructure Instructure
Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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We at Instructure have updated our Acceptable Use Policy. We are also actively working on improving the Canvas Free-for-Teacher User Experience.

Instructure Instructure
Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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Canvas created Free-for-Teacher accounts for anyone who wants to teach online—for free. Free-for-Teacher accounts offer all the standard features to help you in your educational pursuits using both synchronous and asynchronous tools. 

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Three months ago I posted Free for Teacher Feature Options, where I described how feature options, or flags, are used in Canvas to allow institutions when to release certain changes to their own instances of Canvas. Free for Teacher, although used by...

Instructure Instructure
Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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For those of you who are not LMS administrators, you may not be familiar with the concept of feature options in cloud software.  One of the advantages of cloud software is that it is easier to keep it up to date than when software is installed on man...

Instructure Instructure
Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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One of the things I am wondering: Is there a K-12 edition of Free For Teachers? There is! Go online to and try it out!

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Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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Tl;dr Some people are abusing public courses and we need to stop that.One of my favorite things about Canvas, when I discovered it back in 2011, was and is Free-for-Teacher (FFT went live back in 2010).  For anyone not familiar, FFT is a fully-featur...

Instructure Instructure
Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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My attempt to make a little "you grew up and never learned your math facts?"  course ...  I dream of being able to have a practice deck -- two from this group, three from that group, two from the other... now let's scramble them!    Do it again      ...

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Summer's Almost Over!  So!   I promised myself 5 hours this week on the "facts modules" ... 

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I've put Canvas on a back burner since March since we got the okay to develop a basic Math course in our LMS, D2L.   (It was chosen over Canvas because our institution needed multiple-correct-answers options in multiple choice tests and at decision t...

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When a bicyclist approaches a traffic light and passes the cars to sneak up to the front, it's called "shoaling."   Canvas Community has turned its "gamification" over and I had enough points to get 500 of 'em grandfathered in, and I'm near the top o...

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I'm taking BlendKit2017 on Canvas ... and hoping to use some of the stuff I'm playing with here, there (tho' it's with my "parkland college" identity b/c I know I'll still have a job for the next five weeks).   I'm also wondering why, in the reworkin...

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  I found iFraming in Canvas    and used it to embed a game from the NCTM illuminations math exercises into my little course. I'll also provide a link so that students can go there.   I'll want to make some quizzes that do the equivalent, but it's a ...

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As soon as you walk into the world of Canvas, you are able to build an online course with a rich variety of tools and tasks linked in a variety of possible hierarchies. You can add to it and change it on the fly, updating it as information in the wor...

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Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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  I'm trying to make a module for learning the addition facts.  I work with grownups who discreetly are still counting (either on their fingers or in their heads) or using calculators for everything.   My experience has been that described in this bl...

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Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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Imagine going into a bricks-and-mortar library and being told that all of the books were shelved in totally random order, and then trying to find a specific book. The right LMS not only enables and promotes transformational education, but the wrong L...

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Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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Back when this "service learning" course I'm wrapping up was active (it ended 12/6, but we can finalize our submissions and submit 'til 12/31) I tried to let another person peek at the Canvas course I'm mucking about with as the "extra credit" part o...

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Easily found the nice How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?    and I like that the "alt tag" is right there on the front to prompt me to write what my image is.   Since the answers *are* images, that's important.  ...

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I have been a 11 year-old scout leader for almost 2 years now and have been looking for an easier way to track what my scouts have accomplished along their pathway to rank advancement. I have looked at a few other tracking systems in the past, but th...

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I've got two Canvas accounts -- one associated with the college where I work and then the Free for Teachers that I've gotten through "Instructional Design Service Course:  Gain Experience for Good" here on Canvas... so I'm abandoning the college one...

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Oh, Canvas FFT, it is all coming together beautifully...did you know?I now have a mark book that produces a current grade average automatically...I can see who are the top performers and those that need more support and scaffolding... differentiation...

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Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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Like Don Bryn, I want a way to get students into a "course" so they can do things online -- before they're students, and/or independent from our "system."   I anticipate the same unfamiliarity w/ Canvas and, thus, necessity for "track down to contact...

Community Novice
Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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How does FFT inspire you to be creative in the ways you leverage Canvas? I want to shift roles right now.  Professionally, I work in higher education and my institution utilizes Canvas.  However, on Monday my daughter starts the second grade at a sch...

Community Coach Community Coach
Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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1. Have absolutely no plan ready when the internet fails, the motherboard on the classroom computer dies (yes, that happened right at the start of a lesson), or there is a power outage. Instead, have at least three back up lesson plans that you can u...

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What ways do you use Canvas Free-for-Teacher?As I've outlined in a K12 blog post (Students who say, "just tell me what to memorise," and how to serve them​), discovering Canvas was extremely exciting. I spent the Christmas holidays investigating all ...

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For an graduate-level educational technology course I took in the summer of 2014, my final project requirement was to create an online unit around an educational topic, via some type of web page or other web-based presence. This project also needed t...

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Free For Teacher Canvas Users
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"What ways you use Canvas Free-for-Teacher? How does FFT inspire you to be creative in the ways you leverage Canvas?"There have been some great blogs about the benefit of free-for-teachers in Canvas, but for me the benefit of free-for-teachers somehw...

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