New Analytics in Free for Teacher (K12)

Community Coach
Community Coach

One of my favorite tools inside of free for teacher courses has to be the New Analytics feature, which teachers can enable via their course navigation to access (only teachers can see the button even when enabled!). I highly recommend all teachers have this enabled.

I've found myself using the new analytics tool more and more recently. It's great to be able to monitor all of my student's progress, which assignments they've turned in, haven't turned in, etc. My class is very self-paced, and it's great to see where all my students are, especially when it comes to assignment submissions, their grades and even their weekly activity!

Beyond just monitoring individual student progress, the New Analytics feature allows teachers to identify broader trends and patterns within their classes. This could include noticing when certain topics or assignments are particularly challenging for students, or when engagement levels drop off at specific times during the semester/school year. Are there assignments students aren't submitting? Getting not so great scores on? What can we do to help them?

So, overall:  the New Analytics feature in Canvas LMS is not just a tool for tracking individual student progress; it's a powerful tool provided to us for ensuring the success of all students in the classroom. As educators, our ultimate goal is to empower our students to reach their full potential, both academically and personally. By leveraging the insights provided by the New Analytics feature, we can identify areas for improvement, tailor our instruction to meet the diverse needs of our students, and provide the targeted support necessary to ensure their success. So, whether you're a seasoned educator or just starting out on your teaching journey, I highly recommend enabling the New Analytics feature in your Canvas courses. I promise you all, it's a very powerful tool to have enabled and it will help you out!


Thanks for reading!!


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