
Deb Bogard
Community Participant
Teaching & Learning Coach
Apr 15, 2015 7:45:10 AM
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I've been fascinated with the potential of educational technology pretty much my whole life (which includes the days before PCs had been invented!) I viewed it as a promising alternative to my non-differentiated experiences as a student of the 60s-70s. Later, as a classroom teacher, I used it to explore ways to provide new routes into real-life context for my learning activities, and as a way to simplify the day-to-day workflow of assessing and analyzing student learning. Eight years ago I stepped into my current role as an ed tech coach. Now I work with teachers and administrators to continue my mission of reimagining teaching and learning for our 21st century-born students.

Most Liked Posts

The idea: In addition to providing a static Cloud Assignment image (created in Speedgrader at the time of student submission), provide instructors with a link to the student's live doc/slides/spre...
Likes: 236
For an graduate-level educational technology course I took in the summer of 2014, my final project requirement was to create an online unit around an educational topic, via some type of web page or ot...
Likes: 12
This is a real kick in the teeth for us K12 districts that are trying to help our families stay connected by unifying our communication channels through Canvas instead of making them check other place...
Likes: 9
Hey Everyone, I'm pretty jazzed that teachers now can easily share photos with parents (ala Bloomz or Dojo) by making an Announcement in the Teacher App on your phone and choosing "Camera"...
Likes: 7
I'm starting to work on a more generic (i.e. less specific to our school district) version of the course that I will drop into Commons sometime this summer. Thanks for the encouragement!
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Most Recent Posts

UPDATE: Got really excited when the Rich Content Editor was added to New Quizzes in December. But then it got sucked back in early January. You're killin' me, Smalls!!!
Feb 10, 2023 08:01 AM
THIS. The inability to record audio from within the question/answer RCE is a dealbreaking roadblock in my team's efforts to persuade some teachers to transition to the New Quizzes. If this is not ...
Sep 09, 2021 10:51 AM
This is a real kick in the teeth for us K12 districts that are trying to help our families stay connected by unifying our communication channels through Canvas instead of making them check other place...
May 18, 2021 07:21 AM
We need Studio to bring in "cleaned" videos from YouTube in the same way the YouTube plug-in does for the Canvas rich content editor. When a YouTube video is pulled into Studio for an assignme...
Apr 15, 2021 08:51 AM
Hi, I just now found this thread and am wondering if there has been a resolution to this problem. If not, I need to warn our staff about this. Thanks much!
Feb 22, 2021 13:25 PM

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