Working on first quiz!

Community Contributor

Easily found the nice How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?    and I like that the "alt tag" is right there on the front to prompt me to write what my image is.   Since the answers *are* images, that's important.  

Realized I'd forgotten one of my cute number bar images but looks like I have to go out and in to get access to it when making the quiz; it's not updating the "files" catalog on the tab I'm using to make the  quiz, though it's updated in the tab where I dropped it in.  (Yes, loving drag and drop, too!)   ... but it worked nicely.  DIdn't lose anything along the way.

So... next question:   can I copy a question and edit it (since I'll have exactly the same answers to choose from, but different questions)? 

time to search Smiley Happy