Hidden Gems: K-12 Free For Teacher

Community Contributor

One of the things I am wondering: Is there a K-12 edition of Free For Teachers? There is! Go online to https://k12.canvaslms.com and try it out!


Course Feature Options Comparison

Enforced feature options are marked with Yes/No. Options with toggles are marked with Available. Any items not listed in the feature options are listed as N/A.


  Canvas FFT K-12 Canvas FFT Higher Education
ePub Exporting Available N/A
Learning Mastery Gradebook Available Available
Student Learning Mastery Gradebook Available Available
Allow Outcome Extra Credit N/A N/A
Anonymous Instructor Annotations Available Available
New Gradebook N/A No
Duplicating Calendar Events Yes Yes
Gradebook - List Students By Sortable Name Available Available
Dashboard Images For Courses Yes Yes
Mastery Paths Yes Yes
Common Cartridge HTML File to Page Conversion beta N/A Yes
New Quizzes N/A N/A
New Course & User Analytics Yes Available
Quiz Log Auditing Yes Yes
Anonymous Grading N/A Available
Moderating Grading N/A Available


Course Quota

The quota is still the same at 250 MB.


Missing Features


Gauge does not work in FFT K-12, even though it is designed for K-12 institutions. This is because SIS IDs do not work in Free For Teachers.


Canvas Studio

As with the Canvas FFT HE, Canvas Studio is not available on Canvas FFT K-12.


How should the sign in page look like in the future?

Login screen FFT

In the future, since we discovered the K-12 Canvas FFT, here's what would look like before the above screen appears:


Log in as which FFT user?

  • K-12 user
  • Higher education user 


Selecting K-12 will redirect users to http://k12.canvaslms.com, while selecting Higher education will redirect users to https://canvas.instructure.com.


The above scenario (Log in as which FFT user) is just a mock, but I want to be the one to show you what the login page will look like for FFT users in the future.