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How can I duplicate a Self-Grading Survey for daily use across multiple courses? When I made "template" quizzes in a module and then copied them to other classes/courses including the starting course it is now overwriting itself. What's the fastest w...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way with Admin access in Canvas to see the IP address used for a student's assignment submission? Any tips or advice you have is appreciated!

  • 1 Replies

I added a student to a class on the second day.  On the first day, the teacher recorded a lecture on Big Blue Button.  Because the student was added late, he's not able to see the session or recording. Can I give him access somehow?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi Canvas,  I submitted the following question to the Canvas Question Forum almost a year ago and never recieved a response. My faculty members would really like to know if any of the questions below can be answered. So, I am trying again.  Collabora...

  • 2 Replies

I have two canvas accounts at different domains: Can I merge them? Thanks!    

  • 4 Replies

In the Assign To dialog (e.g., for a Quiz), I would prefer the Due Date, Available From and Until fields be in chronological order:Available FromDue DateUntilIs there a way to change this default order? 

  • 1 Replies

Is there a report in Canvas that would allow me, as an administrator at my school, to see when each teacher did a grade sync for their class?  I'd like to see the full history of the grade sync for each course, or at least the last time the class gra...

  • 2 Replies

Hi all,I have a teacher who is trying to share Canvas rubrics with colleagues. I was searching through the guides and saw that the update was coming in Q2 this year, but cannot find the instructions no how to make this work. Please help.

  • 1 Replies

If I create a group assignment and click the button to "Assign Grades to Each Student Individually," does that mean each student can submit the assignment separately? Or will that be messed up when each group member submits? Yes, it's an assignment t...

  • 1 Replies

If I reconfigure a Mastery Path after students have taken a quiz, are their scores for that quiz erased? If so, how can I get those scores restored?

  • 1 Replies

I have a faculty member who has created self-assessments via New Quizzes in Canvas.  She would like to award points based on whether students completed the self-assessment and on time.20 points if the student completed the quiz and before the deadlin...

  • 1 Replies

When I publish a new assignment with a due date in the future, Canvas automatically assigns zeroes to some of the students in my course. All of these students are in the same sections. I had the function on for automatic zeroes for no submission at t...

  • 1 Replies

Precisar a opção de importar notas ocultar na opção "notas" dos cursos. Ela não pode estar disponível para os professores. Como fazer isso?    

  • 1 Replies

In July 2024, a YouTube video was added as a project attachment, and the cover image was taken from YouTube; now, in September 2024, on a separate new project, the cover image is a placeholder of three Polaroid pictures.This happens on new projects. ...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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When adding a file from Office365 LTI through the RCE onto a page.  It does not give me the option to download the file after I have added it to the page. Is this working as designed

  • 1 Replies

In a recent update, some auto-formatting changes were made to the Comments for assignments. When someone clicks <enter>, the system automatically adds an extra line space as though it is starting a new paragraph. This now matches the formatting of "A...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I have a question regarding the strikethroughs with my own calendars. I know there are calendars for each of the classes/courses we take but I also add my own schedule for doing assignments in a timely manner in my calendar. When I finish doin...

  • 1 Replies

We assign multiple graded surveys throughout our course as exit tickets. We need to assign them as graded surveys, so students earn points just for completion and the points they earn are not based upon accuracy. However, this does not allow us to ea...

  • 3 Replies

Good morning, I am posting here because I have nowhere else to go. I have reached out to Canvas support via the ticket system 3 times and have never received a reply, even to my tickets I submitted over 1 year ago, no reply. I cannot contact live sup...

  • 1 Replies

We are encouraging instructors to use the Missing Submission policy and setting zeros as the automatic grade. Why do some assignments that are not due yet have zeros filled in as a default? Is it due to mismanagement of due dates or is this a bug? 

  • 1 Replies

I'd like to implement a robust content protection system to prevent unauthorized screen recording and screenshots, similar to what Netflix and Prime Video offer.

  • 2 Replies

I'm asking about how tutors can add OneDrive files to Canvas as learning resources in a course, and whether students can view/access those files if they are OneDrive files saved in secure staff folders.

  • 1 Replies

I have a worksheet that I've loaded in Canvas as a pdf but I want the students to be able to fill out the worksheet and submit it. What do I need to do so the students can type in the pdf?

  • 2 Replies

At my institution, we use a single SIS ID for individuals, regardless of whether they hold more than one status (e.g., faculty, staff, or student). This practice causes complications within Canvas. For example, an instructor may have an SIS ID of 123...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

Hi Team,I want to add expand all & collapse all accordion template in canvas without using Cidi Labs. Is there any way around for that. If yes, Please help me out.

  • 7 Replies

From what I've gathered using Canvas and browsing the boards: Quiz questions can only be randomized if linked to a question bank or used in groupsA quiz question cannot be granted full credit for all students en masse after a quiz has closed if that ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I always open my assignments for grading by selecting a specific "Student Group" ; these groups are associated with different instructors. If you select a particular student group as the viewing criteria for the course grade sheet, the Speed Grader i...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My assignments are all showing as duplicates in the syllabus listing and calendar but not in modules or in the assignments tab.    They are only entered once.  The grade book is populated by my university and the assignment show up there and again th...

  • 1 Replies

Hi.    There is no longer a scrollbar at the bottom of the grade book (horizontal) to scroll through the grades. Yes the scrollbar on the right side (vertical) is there, but the horizontal is missing. Help. This is frustrating trying to manually upda...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

In Attendance > Settings, I click the box that says "do not count attendance towards final grade." However this setting will not stay saved and it never recalculates the total grade without factoring in attendance. I did not have this problem last se...

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Canvas Question Forum
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