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Does anyone know of a way to have multiple due dates under the same discussion. As my faculty members discussed, they desire to split a particular discussion into three parts, part 1 where students summarize their chapter, part 2 where they share wha...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies

Hi,My university currently does placement in our math classes with a commercial program. It has the advantage that it is online (so students not near our campus can take the placement test virtually). However we are considering giving our own in hous...

  • 4 Replies

Hi,One of my classes has 26% of its final grade in "quick write" assignments. There are 13 assignments, lowest score should be dropped. So, 12 assignments worth 3% each. The Assignments section is set at 26%. I have 13 quizzes entered, and there is a...

  • 2 Replies

Is anyone else seeing this? When attempting to create an Office 365 Collaboration, a "your session has expired" error occurs. I have filed Case 04930126 with Instructure to see if they can identify the cause.Steps to reproduce:In a Canvas course, cli...

  • 6 Replies

Is there any way to set an automatic reply in Canvas Inbox? Which would then be sent to any and every individual student sending a message: either until the reply is turned off, or for a specified time period? Like with email and out of office / out ...

  • 10 Replies

Hello there,I've had some complaints from students that they're not receiving announcement notification e-mails, and on further investigation, it would appear that their e-mail address has not been confirmed and they never fully registered.The proble...

  • 5 Replies

I just ran across H5P interactive content and really like the potential for my online classes. I know there are many, many apps that already are available in Canvas. I would have to pay for the H5P service if I go with that, but are there equivalent ...

  • 6 Replies

Good Morning AllI'm hearing some trouble with our faculty using Chrome browser and Outlook through O365 to reply to messages received from students from Canvas.  The reply will not send just seems to load and load and fail.We recently moved to O365 a...

  • 4 Replies

How do you add a signature line to email in canvas?  

  • 4 Replies

How do I have canvas automatically sync unsubmitted assignments as missing in my grade book?I have canvas automatically update my grades ever day at 7, which is just the box to check, but i would like canvas to put "missing" in my grade book for the ...

  • 2 Replies

I've gone to a lot of effort to design visually appealing homepages for my students that help link them out to different areas in the modules. Unfortunately when they view them on their chromebooks the resolution or screen size must be different beca...

  • 7 Replies

Hello, I was wondering if there is a setting I am just missing/over looking that allows me to change the week start for my calendar to Monday. Every other calendar I use the week starts on Monday so I occasionally overlook the fact the week starts on...

  • 4 Replies

Hi,I am just starting with Canvas so sorry if what I ask is very basic, but I have followed instructions in the manual, not working and it is driving me mad:I want that the frontpage/landing page of my course is a page in which I will create a index/...

  • 7 Replies

I want to gather feedback from learners about one of our eLearnings so have set up an ungraded survey. I assumed I would be able to add this to a Mastery Path which we haven't used before, and then discovered that as it's an ungraded survey, this isn...

  • 3 Replies

I know how to mute/hide an assignment. Would either method hide annotations made in speedgrader, comments left in a rubric, or comments left in the comment box? 

  • 7 Replies

I know that Canvas has Mastery Paths, but what if I have a group of students on IEPs, for example, to whom I know I just need to give a simplified or shorter version of an assignment, or include simplified instructions etc...?I don't necessarily need...

  • 11 Replies

Is there a way that student's can see the other student's in the class email addresses so they can connect with each other?  I know I have access to that but am not sure if the student's can see each other's email addresses...Thanks!Stephanie

  • 6 Replies

Is there a way to get an assignment I have marked as late in Canvas to be marked as late in Skyward when I use the grade sync?  Currently, if I mark and assignment late in Canvas, it is not being marked as late in Skyward.  

  • 3 Replies

What is the sort order of the Past Enrollments list under Courses? I can't figure out how these are being sorted - it is not by term, or course number or section? Does anyone have any idea?

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

We currently use username (jdoe) as login ID but for the purposes of changing our authentication method might need to change to email address (  What are the implications of doing so?  Would we be creating entirely new users (they wo...

  • 7 Replies

Hello All,We've been using Canvas for not quite a year. Many of our teachers are using a page as a front landing page and linking from there. In the past few months, I have had a handful of teachers tell me their images have randomly resized themselv...

  • 11 Replies

I am curious to have data to know which students actually access a particular file.  In specific, I am curious who actually reads the directions sheet to my writing project assignments.  Is there a way for me to generate a report on something such as...

  • 2 Replies

I recently migrated a quiz created with the current version of Quizzes in Canvas with New Quizzes.  Some of the questions on the quiz were multiple drop-down questions with multiple options for each drop-down entry.  After some necessary reformatting...

  • 12 Replies

How can I mute Assignment Comments in SpeedGrader?I give comments on ungraded assignments using SpeedGrader. Last year I was able to mute an assignment in SpeedGrader, upload my comments at my own pace, and then unmute the assignment so all the comme...

  • 14 Replies

i used the course link validator and some of the responses say "download wrap=1"What does that mean and how do I fix that?

  • 3 Replies

I need to determine where I can change settings so we can restrict students from contacting other students in the class on canvas. While one student in particular is of concern, I would prefer to remove all capabilities from students using inbox to c...

  • 4 Replies

Hello,I am trying to access an online induction module in Nursing and Healthcare Quality Improvement course and all I have on the screen is a flashing dashboard and an empty page.  How can I access my work.Oluwatoyin Akinterinwa

  • 2 Replies

I'm sure this is very simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to display student last names in my inbox.  It is difficult to determine which student is messaging me when I have multiple people with the same first name.  Does anyone know that setti...

  • 8 Replies

On my Modules page, added page titles are being assigned a number. See the image below. The "-2" at the end of the first page title "NOLS| Step Forward..."I have gone back and edited each title to delete those numbers but they are automatically added...

  • 5 Replies

I am using the API: GET /api/v1/coursesThe API is returning a subset of my courses, and I can't determine why. It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm a teacher, student or observer. I am wanting a list of all classes where I am a teacher, regardless o...

  • 5 Replies