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We have a few outcomes set up with the Proficiency Calculation setup as Decaying Average (50%). Ideally, as I understand it, this would make the last score worth 50% of the rating and the remaining scores averaged to create the other 50%. Now in prac...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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When is it useful to use canvas instead of a div's structure? For example, I was looking at Ancestry trees and at first I tought they might have use canvas, but, in reality, it's just a bunch of divs with dynamic transforms and position. Except for g...

  • 1 Replies

When designing a course, as an instructor, we are hoping to lock an assignment until an earlier one is completed.  For example, The students need to fill out a confidentiality form before they are able to submit the other assignments. I've found that...

  • 2 Replies

I wanted to title this "Global Announcements," but apparently that is already the name of a feature for Admins. I'm wondering if there is a way for high school teachers to send an Announcement to all class periods instead of having to post an Announc...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
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How to retrieve deleted email 

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When I download quizzes from Canvas in QTI format they are missing figures.  Is there a particular way they need to be included in Canvas to be exportable?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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hi, how am i supposed to sign up for a course in the Canvas app? 

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HiI have an instructor that has created an assignment group called Knowledge check, that has a 60% weight assigned to it. But when assignments are submitted the percentage for the individual students is showing as more than 100%. Any suggestions?   

  • 1 Replies

Some assignment submissions are getting a black exclamation mark error in Unicheck instead of a plagiarism score. When we click on the exclamation mark, it says "Cloud storage file download failed"They suggested that we try disabling Unicheck for the...

  • 5 Replies

Hello, I have my daily grade broken down to 20 points a day and I can comment and type in about each day, but it does sync to Power school weekly.  Recently I am noticing the daily grades be really low and even if I pretend to give a student full gra...

  • 1 Replies

why will my canvas not load fully It will only show the calendar it will not show anything else?

  • 1 Replies

Is there a modification that I can allow for just one of my students who handwrites her work to take a picture of it and then upload it to an assessment instead of completing the Canvas assessment?

  • 2 Replies

My students are allowed to drop their lowest test score only if they have an 85 or higher homework average.  Since everyone didn't meet the homework average requirement, how do I drop lowest scores for just the ones who did?  

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I created a course for a class that I am taking and need to send the link to my professor.  However, I sent the link for my course to a friend to check to make sure there are no restrictions and it is asking for her email and password.  Is there a...

  • 1 Replies

Hi!One of our teachers is testing New Analytics and they came across this error message with one of their test students:"This user has an inactive enrollment status or a deleted status. We cannot show data for this user in New Analytics." However, th...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to track down the source of a file on the canvas-user-content site that has been indexed by Google? The file should not be searchable, nor downloadable by the public, and it's out of date, so we're trying to take it down. Can Canvas he...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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One of our teachers is trying to generate an attendance repor, however she is reciving the following message:An error occurred when trying to generate your report:There was a problem generating your report. We have been notified of this issue and apo...

  • 1 Replies

Hola, Cómo se puede insertar material desarrollado en genially, o exeLearning y garantizar que la visualización sea responsiva. Hasta ahora la única solución encontrada es utilizar un formato cuadrado, en la computadora se ve muy grande el contenido ...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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My Canvas student email account has not updated since OCT 24th. I logged in a couple of days ago and learned about an update. I was able to get notifications through my student email account. This just shows how great this portal is and how spoiled s...

  • 1 Replies

Published assignment not viewed by students and not viewed with Student View. The module it belongs to also is published. The dates are current. Today is 11/2/2022. The date available was 10/28/2022 until 11/20/2022.

  • 2 Replies

Can Canvas be loaded on a closed network (LAN)?

  • 1 Replies

I get this error message when I drop a .jpg or .png file I haven't tried any others.  These are just the two I use) in an Upload Image dialog box in the rich text editor. Sometimes I get a gray box instead of the photo and sometimes I do get the phot...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Apologies if this has been asked. In preparing my community for new quizzes, I first want to see who is currently using a quiz in their course. Is there a report that exists that would provide this information? I don't see it under Admin>Settings>Rep...

  • 1 Replies

I have duplicated pages to create a template for courses that will be used in the upcoming semesters.  In doing this, the titles to the pages have become (name of original page)-(number of times copied).  For example, I have a page titled "Completion...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to add an auditor with view-only access to a course prior to the course being available to students? For example, we would like a potential instructor to preview a future course that is in development but don't want them being able to ...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 9 Replies

The Microsoft sync option has been turned on in this class, but when creating a new meeting through the Teams integration, the instructor is unable to use the +Add entire class button.  The message is saying the feature isn't available, but many othe...

  • 2 Replies

Hi All,I'm using iframes and links to external sites in the 'Pages'.Can I add some kind of system parameters in the link?ie:$course_id$&student=$student_id$where Canvas replaces $course_id and $student_id$ with ...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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This is a strange one!We are building an LTI 1.3 app to embed some media via Deep Linking, nothing very complicated. When we first launch the app we successfully get through OIDC login and the app launches as expected. We can select media, like an im...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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To whom it may concern, I have not beeb able to access any information or create any content or post any assignments. My Canvas page is LITERALLY blank.  I cannot even access the Art Curriculum. Is there any one who can help?

  • 1 Replies

Hello, im a new employee at a prince william county school and teachers are unable to share content with me because my username is not found and i dont have access to commons. It looks like on canvas im not registered as a teacher. 

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