Grades not visible

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I can't get the grade page to come up.  I click on "Grades" -- it goes to the Grade page, but nothing is visible.

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Community Team
Community Team

Hello @KennethBatista ...

It would help to know if you are a student or an instructor.

If you are a student, are you not seeing your assignments listed on the "Grades" page?  Your instructor may not have published the assignments yet so that you and your classmates can see them on that screen.

If you are an instructor, do you have students listed in the "People" area of your course?  If so, when you click on "Grades", those students should also be listed there.  Further, if you are an instructor, do you have graded assignments set up in your course?  Make sure that your "Assignments" page has graded work (assignments, discussion topics, quizzes/tests/exams), and make sure that those items are published.

If you have all of that set up already and the "Grades" page is still not showing correctly, you might try clearing your browser history/cache, restarting the browser, and then logging back in to Canvas.  You might also try using a different browser altogether...such as an up-to-date version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  (I've been using Microsoft Edge on my Windows 11 laptop with good success.)

Finally, if all of that doesn't work, then I would highly recommend that you reach out to Canvas Support to see if they have any other suggestions for you.

Please let Community members know how we can help further...thanks!

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