Good evening, @JoseMunoz1 ...
There's actually no need for you to do that. When you create an assignment in your Canvas course, students will be submitting their work to you to that particular assignment. For example, if they are submitting a written paper to you, you'll then grade that paper via the SpeedGrader. From a student's perspective, when they submit the file to you via a Canvas Assignment, a copy of that file is saved in their own user "Files" area...under a folder called "Submissions". You'll never see this "Submissions" folder (there's no need for you to see it), but you'll still be able to see the submitted assignment in the SpeedGrader. Here are several Guides for you to look at:
I know I've provided a bunch of links for you, but hopefully they will be helpful for you. I've tried to organize the links in an order that makes sense. I'd highly recommend watching the videos first. The other links I've included are written documents that you can look through for more details. Sing out if you have any questions about this information...thanks!