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HI I cant access my timetables and everything i need for the modules on my laptop. But able to on a cellphone canvas app.

  • 2 Replies

  Does anyone know how to disable/prevent student from posting comments in the assignment “Submission Details” page (see below)? Any feedback greatly appreciated.  

  • 2 Replies

I want to be able to use the formula questions to create a random number, and then plug that random number into a formula, for example to ask questions about a normal distribution.In other products this was accomplished through the use of double squa...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,When trying to be notified of a student submission using notifications, I instead get emails for every student in the course, and not just in the sections I teach. This makes it very difficult to know when I need to grade, especially for late s...

  • 4 Replies

I am unable to link my modules to the home page buttons, as my Modules do not show up as "links" to select from. (See image). When I click the associated module named the same as my button, it seems to link a unique URL id, however when navigating th...

  • 1 Replies

I would appreciate a reply from anyone who has experience if Canvas installations can be setup or later configured to display (pop-up or other) reminders to students who have unread Announcements and/or unread Assignment comments.The reminder would o...

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Canvas Question Forum
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The Outcomes documentation is so weird. It doesn't mention Rubrics at all, but as best I can tell, the only way to use Outcomes is with Rubrics.  Is that correct?

  • 3 Replies

When students take a quiz, I have it set to where they can only attempt it once and see their final grade. I would like to be able to go back into the settings and open up a second attempt for retakes as well as for students to see their right and wr...

  • 1 Replies

I was wondering how I create a deadline for myself in my courses? I want to be done by a certain time, and don't know how to input that into my calendar to create submission dates in order to be done in time. 

  • 1 Replies

As an Admin, I am looking for a solution to archive unpublished / old courses to clean up the Courses view for Admins, Teachers and Designers.  I understand there is a way to un-star courses per profile but I would like a solution added where any cou...

  • 3 Replies

Canvas SpeedGrader organizes student names alphabetically by last name. Meanwhile, Canvas quiz reports by outcome organize student names alphabetically by first name. Is there any way to make these match?It is a massive hassle for our teachers trying...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'd like to create an assignment where the students have to read an article and then type an essay. Is there a way to create a split screen scenario inside of the Canvas assignment so that the article is on the left and the blank typing space is on t...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, We have recently integrated Microsoft into our instance of Canvas. For those of you that have also done this, in the navigation menu on the left, are you showing: Microsoft OneDrive Office 365 Class Notebook  Collaborations Are you keeping all...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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I'm trying to add a support widget into our student hub, and every time I do it, it doesn't work!Here's what I was told to do:To make Web Widget visible to customers, update the HTML of every page you want it on. Just paste this code snippet in befor...

  • 1 Replies

Please add the ability to move from assignment to assignment for a single student in speed grader.  It is EXTREMELY time consuming to grade multiple assignments for 1 student if work is submitted for that student.  Thank you!

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Canvas Question Forum
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Some parts of my orientation aren't graded, even though I did them. Does anyone know the reason why I can't see my grades?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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On my Windows 11 laptop, I am unable to access the Course Materials tab on the dashboard. I have tried in both MS Edge (Version 117.0.2045.43) and Chrome (Version 117.0.5938.132). Cache and cookies have been cleared in both browsers as well. I have t...

  • 1 Replies

If I set up a section within a section, and there are some assignments that will be done by both sections, can I just leave them assigned to Everyone  or do I have to specify all assignments for both sections?   A follow-up question.  Can the same as...

  • 2 Replies

Hi! My teacher posted some reading assignments, homework, and lectures that I needed to complete -- however, a few things that I completed didn't recieve the green check mark. I got a check mark for everything else, except a lecture that I just had t...

  • 2 Replies

Module and lectures week 4 for my communications studies class 09 is still locked. I’ve completed and turned in the prerequisites required for week 4 but it still not unlocking?? My professor told me to contacts desk help. I need this unlocked ASAP. 

  • 1 Replies

We have SAML set up for Canvas login using Google authentication for our students.  This works fine. We have a class(s) that we need to be able to enroll people outside of our active directory, for example, students taking a dual credit course.  Is t...

  • 2 Replies

I have a situation where, for a class, a professor has recorded four Zoom videos of discussions (see attached image "INC0963235 Cloud Recordings 1.png"): If the students go to the c...

  • 4 Replies

In SpeedGrader, how to get rid of the prompt "Comments for this attempt"? In my assignment, I have chosen the option "allow multiple submissions" to accommodate those very rare cases when a student needs to resubmit. However, I do not want to see the...

  • 1 Replies

Hello Everyone!  I am hopeful someone can help me out. I have a digital interactive notebook that I want to put into Canvas for my students. What I am wondering is, when I put it into Google LTI 1.3 as an assignment and it creates a copy for each stu...

  • 4 Replies

When annotating a document my students are not able to use the highlighter tool.  Underline and textbox work just fine.

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to print a report of all the quiz logs for a given quiz? As I currently understand you have to look at each students individually. I have around 130 students and that would take an unreasonable amount of time. It would be more efficien...

  • 1 Replies

If another teacher has added me to her course, where do I view that? 

  • 1 Replies

How can the administrator set up assignment categories and their respective weights for courses and then lock them? The instructors need to be restricted from changing the categories and their weights. 

  • 1 Replies

I am an instructor looking to copy and paste announcements, but every time I do so it seams to replace my account with a "U". How do I change this so it shows I am the one posting?

  • 2 Replies