
Shilpa Sachin Kalkoor Kunjibettu
Community Member
Oct 29, 2023 2:00:31 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Problem statement: I want to copy a commom module to all my classes in one go. At present I have to copy the modules one class at one time. Is there ay way I can copy them all at once. for example I h...
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Is there any way I can Import excel sheet to canvas gradeing book, with students marks? When i tried to export the students details and add marks and import back it is not taking. Importing excel is e...
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Problem statement: I want to copy a commom module to all my classes in one go. At present I have to copy the modules one class at one time. Is there ay way I can copy them all at once. for example I h...
Nov 03, 2023 07:29 AM
Is there any way I can Import excel sheet to canvas gradeing book, with students marks? When i tried to export the students details and add marks and import back it is not taking. Importing excel is e...
Nov 03, 2023 06:39 AM

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