Turnitin Membership error when trying to grade in Canvas

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I have a teacher reporting that she cannot grade the Turnitin LTI assignment in Canvas. She receives an error stating "The membership service has encountered some errors." Has anyone experienced this? If so, what was the issue?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @StacyRoeming ...

Looks like Turnitin has had some issues the last couple of days.  I replied to another posting a bit earlier with the following information:

I know that Turnitin has their own status page.  In looking at that status page, it looks like they've had some significant issues in the past day or two which has caused potential issues like you are describing.

System Status (turnitin.com)

If you roll your mouse cursor over the red lines for "2 Nov 2023" for areas like Turnitin.com and Turnitin Paper Submissions, there is a link for "Service Incident 2 November".  Clicking on a link like that takes you to this page:

Turnitin Status - Service Incident 2 November (statuspage.io)

In reading through this, my guess is that you happened to try and access Turnitin during the time they were experiencing issues.  Hopefully all is well now, but you might also want to sign up for their e-mail alerts when things like this occur.  Here's a link for you:

Turnitin System Service Alerts Subscribe

I hope all these resources will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have any other questions...thanks!

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