Resubmission status not showing up in Gradebook

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I have a student who resubmitted an assignment, but the grade book shows it as late instead of green. How can I fix this? I also tried it without the assignment being late by changing the date, and the grade book status was back to default.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @jsaldana17,

The late status for online assignments in Canvas is basically always governed by the due date.  Requesting a resubmit really just notifies the student that you'd like them to make changes and/or try submitting again, but it will not change the due date or exempt anything from the late policy.  If you do want to give a specific student extra time for their resubmission to not be late, you could assign that particular student their own due (and available until) date, following the instructions on the How do I assign an assignment to an individual stu... - Instructure Community ( guide.  When you do this, be sure you leave the "everyone else" entry with the original date settings.  if you take away the "everyone else" group, it will basically cause the submissions and grades for all of the other students to be hidden.

Hope this helps!


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