Is there a shortcut for posting a grade as missing with grade upload?

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I am a teacher using the grade upload feature for the Canvas grade book, where I create a CSV file and upload it to my grade book. I can do this successfully. My question is about marking assignments as "missing."

Is there a way to code a grade as "missing" using this process?

For example, uploading a grade of "m" instead of a "0". My only option at the moment is to manually mark each individual grade as "missing" using the grade book interface in Canvas. I hope that there is a quicker option to mark missing assignments. Any help is appreciated!

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @AndrewBrown3,

I know when entering grades in the UI, you can type in "MI" and that will set the missing status for you.  I tried doing the same with a CSV upload, but unfortunately it did not work.  I think you'd want to submit this as a feature idea for future consideration by Instructure.

I know this isn't an immediate solution, but I hope the information at least helps.


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