If course sections are cross listed, can I see the student's enrolled "child" course section number in the grade export at the account level?

Community Contributor

I am my school's Canvas admin.  I allowed my teachers this year to use the cross listing as a feature in order to save them time.  However, when I run the grade export at the account level, the CSV grade export which is generated from Canvas is showing me the course number and section number for the parent course (columns D and F), and not the child course in if that is the actual enrolled course.  While the report does say the name of the actual course and (child) course section in which the student is enrolled (this is the data found in column G)  the data that I need to upload to my SIS is missing in the Column from column F.

The student is actually enrolled in Chemistry 10S section 1, which is course number 4007 section 01.  Because of the cross listing, this course became the child course and the student is now in the parent course 4007-02. 


Because 4007-01 is what is the on the student's schedule, that's the data that I need in my grade export. My SIS is rejecting the 4007-02 data.  

I know that the cross list section is a feature which many schools use.  How do you prevent this from becoming an issue?  

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