
Community Contributor
Jul 11, 2019 8:58:51 AM
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Reflective Practitioner. Growth Mindset. Creative and innovative. Uses EdTech to redefine student learning. Uses EdTech to empower students with special needs.

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My school is located in New York City (5 Boros).  It's only a matter of time before our school closes due to COVID-19.  Many schools are using Zoom, Google Meet, or another tool for video conferen...
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Hi, I am wanting to do some "cleanup" in my Canvas Admin Console as we have courses in there from 5 years ago as well as courses taught by teachers who are no longer at our school.  I am just ...
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A teacher asked me the following question: "If my students submitted projects on Canvas, is there a way to share them with the whole class, so everyone can view them through Canvas?"  I am ass...
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Or can only admins do that?
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I am the Canvas admin at my school.  I have actually seen a few questions here in the community related to this topic, but I have not yet found this exact question with an answer.  Please see the ques...
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I know that there is a way that as a teacher and as an admin, I can check an individual student's last login date and time as well as method.  Is there a way that I can run an export for a report ...
Jan 02, 2025 12:51 PM
Thanks @chriscas I actually went to the reports section and saw that my export was there - it just took much longer than a report takes to process than in production.  Thank you!
Dec 30, 2025 06:09 AM
Thank you both.  What about using the Test instance instead of Beta? While beta would refresh weekly (every Saturday I believe), the test instance will only reset monthly.   
Dec 30, 2025 05:40 AM
Merry Christmas!  I made a change in the Beta site and I want to run a Grade Export to see the effects.  I ran the Grade Export and while it looks like it went through, I am not receiving it.  Is it a...
Dec 25, 2024 11:12 AM
I am my school's Canvas admin.  A teacher accidentally deleted 29 assignments from a course.  He meant to delete only one but was distracted while in class with his students - separate discussion,...
Nov 27, 2024 09:01 AM

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