Why Can't I Swipe To Successive Ungraded Work on iOS (iPad and Phone)?

Community Member

I am trying to grade quizzes that are a combination of multiple choice and, at the end, a short answer question.  When I grade the multiple choice question on either my iPad or my iPhone, I cannot advance to the next student by swiping. Instead, I have to hit "Done", go back to the page with "To Do" at the bottom, hit the course again, grade one paper, hit "Done",  go back to the page with "To Do" at the bottom and start all over again.

This is NOT how Canvas for iPad used to work.

What has changed?  And how do I go back to being able to swipe to the next piece of ungraded work?

This is a dealbreaker for me in terms of Canvas.  This is an absolutely essential functionality that they have taken away with no apparent good reason.

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