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Hi I would like to seek for help to delete my canvas free for teacher account since I used it only for temporary and now, I will no longer use it so I am requesting to delete my existing account. Thank you.

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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I wish to suggest the feature of an Alarm section in the Canvas student app. This feature should enable students to set alarms in the Canvas student app with labels like normal digital alarm clocks on phones. These alarms can pop up as notifications ...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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I am trying to figure out where in admin settings I can fix the URL for parent notifications. Parents receive email notifications and when they click the "Click to View" link they get a 403 error, app_not_configured_for_user.  I am guessing it's link...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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The Canvas Teacher iOS app will not load for me.  (See attached screenshot.) Anyone else experience this?

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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One of the teachers in my building cannot attach photos or files to her messages in the Canvas Teacher App on her iPad. Every time she tries, it gives her an error and says it can not upload or upload failed and cannot be sent. She is updated to iOS ...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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The last couple of months, the Canvas mobile app (I’m on iPad specifically) has been closing the files I’m viewing if I open another app or switch over to answer a text message. It didn’t used to do this. Previously, I was able to go from reviewing f...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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personally dont know if everyone agrees but when you want to know what events are occuring at your school, you need to go to facebook or a social media page, but not everyone has social media, like me, so there should be a page that shows when tryout...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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SmartSearch doesn't  appear to work with Android phones is this a known issue?

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When I add tasks to my to-do list in Canvas in a browser, my to-do items do not show up in the mobile app. Is there a setting I need to change to be able to see my whole to-do list in the mobile app for students?

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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How to find my daughter’s report card ?

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I was having trouble submitting my homework. It said file unable to upload. it was a PDF from Word?

  • 2 Replies

I am not sure if this is a bug or just a design decision.Currently I'm a student using the To Do widget on an Android phone and it displays calendar events on it. However when opening the Canvas app and selecting the To Do tab, it only shows actual t...

  • 1 Replies

Hi all, As required for an online course at a city college I am taking a deeper dive into the vast and deep resource we all know as CANVAS. I have set my preferences and tested to see if I set everything up correctly. Aside from that, how do I access...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to request access and participation in the current Canvas Teacher Testflights?  I'm using Canvas for 100% of my teaching and have been so for quite some time (and have been gifted not one but two pairs of official Canvas socks from our...

Community Explorer
Canvas Mobile Forum
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Hello, A recent update to Canvas Teacher removed the ability to view the rubric criteria by holding down on the score...any chance this can come back ASAP?  It makes it very difficult to grade in Speedgrader with no access to the rubric criteria.

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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I am experiencing an issue concerning the Canvas Student Mobile application on iOS. I am unable to log in despite several tries through the option of selecting the school/district first before logging in, QR login, and even the Canvas Network option ...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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On the Android app (but seemingly not the iOS version), following a URL from a course page, assignment, etc, will open in a built-in browser view. The problem happens if you follow more links, as the only way to exit this view is to hit the back arro...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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Canvas calendar used to have all due assignments but now it doesn’t. How can I access that feature again? My classes show on dashboard and on the timeline but not directly on Calendar to look ahead for the to do list.

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When we upgraded to the Discussions Checkpoints, we noticed that the speedgrader in the App no longer was easy to use. Can't enlarge the view and can't view the full replies or rubric. Anyone else encounter this?

Community Explorer
Canvas Mobile Forum
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I created an assignment that required my students to submit their answer via text box, however the text book is not showing up for them. They have district issued iPads - could an apple product be the issue? Is there something I missed on my end when...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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Previously I would recommend to students to use Scan Documents within the iphone Notes app to create their multi-page PDFs for submitting homework to Canvas.  However, now the Notes app produces large images that either cannot be read in SpeedGrader ...

  • 1 Replies

Hey there! Is there a way to provide our mobile students with a text-to-speech option for when studying their course material? We have a decent number of students that spend a large amount of time driving each day, so this would be a major boon for t...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way, I can add my school to the directory so students can join the class by searching for the school name.

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Hi Canvas Community, Is there a way for student to upload multiple pages of an assignment into a single pdf without a third party app (like Notes, Camscanner, etc) when submitting assignment using the Canvas student mobile app? Thanks! 

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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Can homeworks be posted even the signal is not working?

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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Does the canvas works on my phone even on a place without signal?

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This question pertains to my attempt to complete an assignment on canvas. I could not determine where to record my  1 minute introduction on canvas features, so I uploaded from my phone & then I uploaded the practice video in haste. So I need help wi...

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We are having issues when students open an annotation and fill it out, the next assigned annotation is the filled-out first one, and so on for the rest of the annotation assignments, the students are only able to see the very first one they filled ou...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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I am having issues with my due dates in the canvas mobile app not reflecting the time zone I set in my account or that of my university. I am in Mountain Time Zone and my university is in Pacific. I went in and changed my account to reflect pacific b...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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The interface for the web Canvas on a mobile phone is really difficult. I’ve had to use it because sometimes the mobile app doesn’t show certain kinds of feedback. The front page should be formatted like the mobile app with the “Grid View” and “List ...

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Canvas Mobile Forum
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