Does canvas sync "Count as completion only" grades to Focus SIS?

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In Focus SIS we are able to mark an assignment as "Completion Only" and it doesn't count, but it will show parents what non-graded work students are doing. Does Canvas transfer grades like this?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@WILLIAMISBELL Since I do not the specifics of how the configuration on your grade passback to Focus, I can not give an definite answer, but I can let you know in general what to expect with a "completion only" sort of assignment during grade passback.

In Canvas, the equivalent of a "completion only" assignment in Canvas is one that is graded as "complete/incomplete".  When an assignment is set to be "complete/incomplete" the total points for the assignment are also set in the assignment settings.  Then when it is graded, the submissions marked as "complete" will be awarded full points, and the "incomplete" submissions are awarded zero points.  These are the grades that are then synced to SIS during grade passback. 

As far as I know, there is not a way for Canvas to notify Focus that the assignment is complete/incomplete or for completion only, but if all assignments of this type are placed into an assignment group in Canvas that is synced with a grading category in Focus that is the equivalent of the "completion only" type, this would work.  

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