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I am a ninth grade English teacher at Lookout Valley Middle/High School. I have a student who has tried to get on MasteryConnect to take quizzes that I have published but she keeps getting the message "You Don't Have Any Classes Yet" or "No Activitie...

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Mastery Connect Forum
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Can we change the labels on the tracker from Mastery, Near Mastery and Remediation to other labels that mirror our changes to our report cards in our standards-based grading report cards? We are moving to standards based in SOME schools and would lik...

  • 1 Replies

Our district has someone else create our assessments every 2 weeks for benchmark data. I am a collaborator on the assessment. How can I merge her data with my data so the data stays consistent. 

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How do I update rosters for 2022-2023 school year? Please assist.Thank you.

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I can't seem to figure out how to get my rubric assessments (for performance tests) to connect with Canvas so I can use speed grader. How can I do this?

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Mastery Connect Forum
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I cannot find the grade scanner in the app. I have an Apple phone. I went to my AppStore and searched Mastery Connect Teacher. I downloaded the Teacher version. It only shows me data and will not give me an option to scan documents. In the past, stud...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know how to change the mastery levels on a formative assessment? It only gives me 2 options when creating my assessment: mastery or above mastery. I would like it to also have near mastery but I don't know how to add it or if I can. Thank...

  • 1 Replies

I would like to print graded assessments to send home with progress reports. Is this an option? 

  • 1 Replies

I'm new to MC and haven't been able to find the answer to my question in the help section. What I'd like to know is what the colored blocks with numbers in them at the bottom of the assessment represent. For example, I just put my first assessment sc...

  • 1 Replies

When students submit assignments, it makes that little tick sound. How do I turn that off? My students like soft music playing in the background during test, so I can't just turn the speaker off. 

  • 1 Replies

When trying to add an assessment to trackers 3 trackers show up but one is missing.  It has never happened for passed assessments but all of a sudden there seems no way to add it to one of the trackers.  Any ideas? 

  • 1 Replies

A teacher needs to remove a student from one SIS created tracker, so they can be placed in a small group tracker. How can this be done?

  • 1 Replies

For some reason, I can not make the text-to-speech work for my inclusion and EL students. Please advise.I have already selected the option, but it does not work today. The test came from the item bank. Is there an icon that lets me know whether the a...

  • 3 Replies

How do I create a matching question with each correct match assigned one point?

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to exempt or block a test from student on Mastery Connect? Example - Student comes in mid-term, they aren't expected to go back and complete those previous tests. If possible, how?

  • 1 Replies

Teachers on my campus would like a list of the question types they have access to through Mastery connect with a short description of each. Is this resource available, and, if so, can we have access to it?

  • 1 Replies

Hello,  I am trying to link a quiz that was created in Canvas under Assignments.  Is that possible?  We are transitioning and I would like to add one they have already completed.  Thank you so much!

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to add/enable a MasteryConnect assessment to one individual student at a time? I need to administer retake assessments to specific students - not the whole class but only after they complete remediation. I want to assign the MasteryCon...

  • 3 Replies

I am looking for a one-pager to share with teachers how to create a tracker for Formative Assessments.

  • 1 Replies

My name is Pat Perkins. I am an Assistant Principal in the Bronx, New York. Last school year I worked at 09X313 a middle school.  I had access to Mastery Connect.  This year I am at middle school 09X117.  Please remove my name from Mastery Connect at...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to create an assessment by uploading from my google drive. However, every time I choose the document from my google drive, it appears blank and will not attach to the assessment. Please advise. Thank you, Ashley Martinez

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Is anybody else getting this message when trying to make trackers this year? "Making a tracker from this map is temporarily disabled" Help! Here is video of problem gotten nothing from MC sup...

  • 1 Replies

Jessi Buck cannot access her mastery connect account. I as a system administrator have tried to reset her password and have unsuspended her account. How can we get her access to her account? 

  • 1 Replies

I am a Reading Specialist for a K-5 school. As such, I am often tasked with creating or helping teachers to create their reading assessments. The passage list tells us the title and number of questions, however, it does not tell us whether the passag...

Community Member
Mastery Connect Forum
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Good Morning,  As a teacher, if I am in a classroom tracker that requires scrolling down to see all student names, I cannot figure out how to scroll.  There is a scroll bar left to right, but I do not see a scroll bar up and down.  When I click withi...

  • 3 Replies

I'm a grade 4 math teacher and will be teaching an Advanced Math.I need to access grade 4 and grade 5 multi-strand questions to create assessments in Mastery Connect. Looking for tips and 'how-to' incorporate two grade levels on an assessment.

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The district created Cmaps for all grade levels, and teachers have created trackers from the maps.  The 3-5 math Cmaps have assessments added to them, but teachers can't add the assessment to a tracker.  How can a teacher use the assessment that is i...

  • 1 Replies

Can you create a "team" of teachers in a school building in Mastery Connect so they can share items freely? 

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I gave an assessment and need to change a point value of a couple of questions that was wrong but I have already given the assessment.  Can I do that and it recalculate the test?

  • 1 Replies

If I pause a Benchmark assessment that students need an activation code to take, will the student be able to continue the paused assessment with a different code the next day?

  • 2 Replies