How do I archive or delete a curriculum map?

If needed, you as an owner can archive and delete curriculum maps. You can also delete an archived curriculum map. Archiving a map prevents anyone from using it to create a new tracker. Deleting a curriculum map permanently deletes the map along with its associated standards, assessments, and pins.

If necessary, you can unarchive a curriculum map. However, you cannot undelete a curriculum map.

If you are a collaborator on a curriculum map, you can archive, unarchive, and delete the map. However, the map will also be archived, unarchived, or deleted for all other collaborators on your team.

Open Maps

Open Maps

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Maps link.

Select Category

To view a curriculum map, click a category.  

Archive Curriculum Map

To archive a map that you own, click the Archive link.

To archive a map on which you collaborate with a team, click the Archive for team link.

View Archived Maps

To view a list of your archived maps, click the Archived link.

Note: Archived maps that are used in trackers also display in the Using in Trackers category.

Delete or Unarchive Curriculum Map

To unarchive a map, click the Unarchive link [1]. To permanently delete an archived curriculum map, click the Delete link [2].

To unarchive a map on which you collaborate with a team, click the Unarchive for team link [1].  To permanently delete an archived curriculum map on which you collaborate with team, click the Delete for team link [2].


  • When you permanently delete a curriculum map, you also delete the associated standards, assessments, and pins.
  • You cannot restore a deleted curriculum map. However, if you created a tracker from it, you can create a new curriculum map from that tracker.

Confirm Unarchive Delete

Confirm Delete

When Delete is selected, the confirmation window displays. To confim the deletion, click the OK button.