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October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, and I want to take a moment to highlight ReadSpeaker's open dyslexic font. Check out this quick video that shows you how to change your font settings when utilizing the ReadSpeaker tools. You can also read a blog ...

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Let's talk a little bit about how teachers can address both disclosed and undisclosed learners. ReadSpeaker is a champion of the Universal Design of Learning, which advocates the presentation of information through a variety of means in order to reac...

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Good afternoon!  We love the Canvas for Elementary layout and appreciate all the hard work your team has put into this experience! Currently, when a teacher grades an assignment in Speedgrader, they have the option to Reassign the assignment.  Normal...

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I tried out this feature today - I uploaded a PDF and showed the students what to do. They submitted the work but none of the annotations the students did appeared in Speed Grader.   They are all distanceED students so I could not see what they were ...

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 Outcomes and Rubrics question: We use rubrics and outcomes for standards-based grading. However, we use Canvas outcomes as a domain score (group of individual standards) and not a specific standard score (one outcome for one standard). Regardless, ...

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Classes have started and you've worked hard to provide your students with the tools they need to succeed, but have you thought about how you can make your assessments accessible? Watch this video on how ReadSpeaker reads quizzes and assessments! ...

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    We are noticing some strange behaviors for some LTIs with a course nav access built into the LTI (namely LinkIt and MyLab and Mastering that we have seen so far) within C4E. These are both integrations we had installed previously and appear on th...

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Google is a wonderful partner of ours that developed a newer integration, Google Assignments LTI 1.3. Many teachers love that Google integrates seamlessly with Canvas making it easy for students to turn in, collaborate and share their Google content ...

  • 2 Replies

We've made it easy for you to get the most out of your ReadSpeaker TTS and accessibility tools!  Check out this YouTube playlist that covers not only the basics but also takes a deeper dive into each tool.  Have additional questions? Feel free to ema...

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I love all of the different ways of communicating within Canvas.I'd love to know which ones are your favourites and why. 

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I'm looking to connect with other schools who are using Canvas with standards based grading.  We used Learning Mastery this year with a few pilot teachers, but are having difficulty getting it to report out as we'd like.  I'd like to hear how you are...

Community Participant
K-12 Users
Solved: 2020-08-07
  • 53 Replies

Is there a way to disable the option for students to be able to create discussions.  We want them to respond to the discussions and reply to each others, but we would rather not have them have the ability to begin a discussion for the class on their ...

Community Contributor
K-12 Users
Solved: 2016-11-16
  • 13 Replies