Design Thinking - Creating an Ideas League Table

Community Champion

TLDR - This is a variation on the 'squash ladder' feature in a previous post. If you've already read this then skip straight to the video!

ChatGPT, under my watchful gaze, made this Ideate League and Fixtures table.

In the Ideation stage of Design Thinking, students suggest as many ideas as possible that they think could solve the user's problem. They then decide which one is most suitable.

In this model, students enter their idea and then ChatGPT creates a fixtures list of idea v idea.

I modified the previous model in two ways:

If you decide one idea is better than the other, then you click on it. The idea turns green which signifies a 'win' and it gains 3pts (if you make a mistake, you can click it again to de-select). If you think both ideas are evenly matched, then you can select both. They both turn green, and this indicates a 'draw'. Both ideas go away with 1 pt. Obviously students should spend a bit of time on the fixture discussing which idea is best before deciding on the match score.

The other modification was to the League table. 'I' added a new column to indicate the points gained by each idea in the fixture. The points are automagically transferred to the league table and added up. The table instantly adjusts to show the place of each idea.

The idea came from my Auntie whose Pools coupon I would fill out every weekend. A few more tweaks to be made, then I can upload it to the CanvasVLE as a page for groups to use.

Here's the video....