Password reset for free student account

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My student has forgotten her password and has clicked on the "forgot password" 3 different times with no response in days.  How do they reset their password? This is going to be a huge issue with over 270 students - as this won't be the only one!   We just have the free account- so there is no admin.

1 Solution
Community Participant

Two steps I always take each year:

1.  If students have issues and they ahve a google email through the school, I have them click the G under the login so they never have to worry about this issue.

2.  Un the Account info there is a QR code that is unique for each student.  I will have them download the app on their phone and then use this code to have their Canvas available to them on their phone.  Keep in mind that they can not look for their school.  They need to search for Free Canvas Accounts with the app.

Hope this helps.


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