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Instructors often find it tedious to change due dates for their courses each term.  We have fixed term dates, rather than a flex date model.  We are looking at adopting course pacing as a means forr faculty to established due dates based on time elap...

Community Participant
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

We are using course pacing and really like it but we would love to add pages to the pacing. You can mark a page by adding to the student "to-do" see pic. You can also add it as a module requirement and have students mark it as done. I feel like if yo...

  • 2 Replies

From this documentation: Feature/Integration Setup, it says:"Course Pacing involves the Course Pacing feature preview, which can be allowe...

  • 5 Replies

We are currently utilizing the Canvas API to handle grade passback between Canvas and our SIS. There are certain assignment configurations that present challenges in how we code our grade passback, but we've learned to use the Assignment Overrides to...

  • 4 Replies

I have set up Course pacing in my course and I realised that I need to set up a separate course pace for a student or a section to meet their special needs but I don't seem to be able to do so. Is that true that once the course pacing is set up at th...

  • 1 Replies

I tried using Course pacing in my sandbox and now I am wondering how to turn it off. E.g., what if a course being used with Course Pacing no longer needs it as the mode of delivery has changed? 

  • 2 Replies

I'm getting ready to test this now, but I was curious if anyone else had tested course pacing who is also syncing grades back to a Skyward grade book via an API? I'm wondering how (or if) Skyward will accept assignment grades where assignment due dat...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I'm very new to Canvas and very Excited about the Course Pacing option! My understanding is that it is still under development so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if it hasn't evolved yet.  Is it possible for the Admin and Teacher to s...

  • 3 Replies

Without "course pacing" you have 3 date options for each assignment:Due DateAvailable From DateUntilWith "course pacing" for the entire course there is:Start DateEnd DateI think I understand the Start Date. It's the date given to each individual on t...

  • 1 Replies

Hello all!Last week I was attempting to showcase the Course Pacing feature to a group of VT faculty. Unfortunately when I went to showcase it, the Course Pacing button was missing from the Modules tool.In troubleshooting, I found out that the Course ...

  • 3 Replies

Apologies for starting a new topic, but felt it was needed. When researching the Course Pacing tool, I could have sworn I saw a guide that had a "link" indicator, when setting Course Pacing, to combine all items within the module, then allow a durati...

  • 1 Replies

Hi all, I started testing the Corse Pacing, but it looks like it only applies to due dates and not the From/Until dates, is that correct? So can it be that the assignments will be open and accessible throughout the duration of the course?Any plans to...

  • 1 Replies

Our organization is considering implementing Canvas Catalog with Course Pacing. My understanding is that Course Catalog allows you to define a time range (e.g. 150 days, 1 month, etc.) in which the student can complete the course for credit; however,...

  • 7 Replies

After watching the Course Pacing feature video, my understanding is that Canvas will auto-compress the assignment due dates if a student enrolls at a time where there are fewer days to complete the course based off the end date than allowed for in th...

  • 3 Replies

Currently testing the capabilities of Course Pacing in my Sandbox. The course Term is set to FY2023 and dates have been set at the admin level to indicate July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. Participation is set to Course.  When entering Course Pacin...

  • 4 Replies

I am trying out the new Course Pacing feature and am getting a "Publishing Error" and cannot actually get the Course Pacing enabled.  Is anyone else seeing this problem and does anyone have any suggestions?Thanks. 

Community Explorer
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

I noticed when Course Pacing is enabled, I can no longer assign assignments to specific sections of a course. My plan was to use sections to only display specific assignments to specific sections. It works fine with Course Pacing off, but I lose the ...

  • 5 Replies

I enabled Course Pacing, then deleted a Module, and changed some assignments. The Course Pacing shows the original content that was deleted and does not show the new content. I tried to disable the course pacing and re-enable, but that still didn't u...

  • 4 Replies

Hi community! In case you missed my latest Project Update - July 22, 2022, I'll go ahead and introduce myself. I'm Allison Howell, a new product manager with Instructure. I wanted to put a call in for volunteers to chat with me and our team's product...

  • 6 Replies

We have been testing the new course pacing feature and are very excited by its potential. Please pass on our gratitude to your development team for working on this great new feature!I've been keeping an eye on the change log and various documentation...

  • 3 Replies

We have an already existing faculty training course, and I would like to turn on Course Pacing because the enrollment for the faculty is rolling. They are added to the course when they first get hired as part of the on-boarding process.Right now, non...

  • 3 Replies

This feature is so close to what we have ideally wanted for our schools' course flow for several yearsIf there was an option to change the item function from Due Date to UNLOCK Date, that would be ideal. I know this is essentially Drip Content and is...

  • 5 Replies

I'm working on a staff training site with a lot of dense information.  I've started looking into the Pacing feature preview because I want to increase retention of that information by reducing how much information they can access in one sitting.  The...

Community Participant
Course Pacing (Feature Preview)
  • 0 Replies

It would be helpful to have a way to unassign certain assignments to a section (when released) or individual plan. For our institution, we have both high school and adult students enrolled in the same course, and certain assignments may apply to one ...

  • 3 Replies

In courses with lots of students, the assign tos at the bottom of each assignment page gets out of hand pretty quickly and editing assignments can get tedious when you have to scroll through dozens of student assign tos just to get to the save button...

  • 1 Replies

In our program, we will often schedule students in both their first and second-semester classes at the same time. The reason for this is auditing purposes with the state. So students should be able to adjust their start date for their second-semester...

  • 1 Replies

I have a Professor at my institution that has a course with rolling enrollment. Students in this course must submit reports on the last day of each month, and the professor has been frustrated with manually assigning all the due dates for each studen...

  • 2 Replies

Our online high school is moving in the fall to a more rolling enrollment with teachers being asked to plan for both a shortened quarter and full semester timeline based on student requests. So pacing should help with that. As the Canvas facilitator ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi there! Love the availability of Course Pacing and the new directions that are afforded.As some background, Wharton Online facilitates self-paced, open-enrollment and custom B2B courses and programs on a global scale. Our intent is to run these cou...

  • 13 Replies

It does not look like we cannot use a self-enrollment link or a manual enrollment through People. We do not use the API for enrollments, but I guess we may have to learn. For our PD use, we would like for faculty to be able to self-enroll then the co...

  • 3 Replies