
Erik J. Froelich
Community Explorer
Wharton Online
Jun 14, 2017 12:13:58 PM
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Erik J. Froelich is the Associate Director of Platforms and Technologies for Wharton Online. His role seeks to optimize and refine the technologic ‘glue’ bridging the pedagogical needs and online delivery of Wharton’s eLearning effort. The team counts on him for platform expertise and troubleshooting and for course building and execution support; this takes place in the context of pursuing excellence in learning outcomes for our students, as well as thriving business success for our team. Erik has supported a multitude of educational program initiatives as the Connected Learning staff at Wharton Executive Education, and previously as a member of the WCIT team. Prior to coming to Wharton, he facilitated the growth of course-building efforts and provided technology support for the entire Philadelphia University community. Erik holds a Master of Science degree in Instructional Design & Technology from Philadelphia University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems from Drexel University.

Most Liked Posts

Hi there! Love the availability of Course Pacing and the new directions that are afforded.As some background, Wharton Online facilitates self-paced, open-enrollment and custom B2B courses and programs...
Likes: 11
Adding my voice to the chorus of those who need to see REPORTING called out as a priority here. Our organization has piloted New Quizzes in one course for a high-profile client of ours and reporting h...
Likes: 3
Hi, Kate -While we haven't fully "integrated" the two, we are currently working with an external consultant to to set up a data feed from Catalog to SalesForce. We want to be able to recor...
Likes: 3
That's fantastic news, @dlyons! Our team will look forward with anticipation to that feature's release.  Thank you for this insight.
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Canvas Community members can become quickly inundated by subscription notification e-mails resulting from replies to articles, blogs, ideas and the like. Can these be limited by default to be sent via...
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Most Recent Posts

That's fantastic news, @dlyons! Our team will look forward with anticipation to that feature's release.  Thank you for this insight.
May 13, 2022 15:35 PM
Hi there! Love the availability of Course Pacing and the new directions that are afforded.As some background, Wharton Online facilitates self-paced, open-enrollment and custom B2B courses and programs...
May 13, 2022 13:51 PM
Canvas Community members can become quickly inundated by subscription notification e-mails resulting from replies to articles, blogs, ideas and the like. Can these be limited by default to be sent via...
Feb 08, 2021 12:19 PM
Adding my voice to the chorus of those who need to see REPORTING called out as a priority here. Our organization has piloted New Quizzes in one course for a high-profile client of ours and reporting h...
Jan 12, 2021 12:21 PM
Agreed; this has been a pain point for us as well. Even if slot #1 isn't taken by the Canvas authentication (for an institution that doesn't want to use it, for example) it still will default ...
Dec 14, 2020 14:30 PM

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