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I clicked move course grade to the end of the display. Now they've disappeared. I can't see them at the end of my display.

  • 1 Replies

Hi all, We have a student entering for the Fall term who has only 1 legal name. Have you experienced this at your schools? We enroll students through SIS import using Banner as our SIS. Banner requires something in the Firstname field. They recommend...

  • 2 Replies

I am a new Canvas user and my online classes have just started.  My issue: a number of students have not visited the course in Canvas for the first time (Canvas is new to all of the students as well since my university just switched to Canvas).  All ...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to watch the Pacific: The Leadership Game introduction video but it says "Broken Link Error". This isn't too urgent due to I believe it's a tutorial or something similar, but I did want to bring it to your attention. I have attached a scr...

  • 1 Replies

HelloI have searched the guides but I didn't find solution.I have created a course and when I send the link of it to my students , they get to an unauthorized error (see screenshot) and they can't see th...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,   I have a Blueprint Course that is linked to cohorts running at different times and ending at different times.    IE Cohorts - 0424; 0524; 1024; 0125 The Blueprint works great at keeping all 4 cohorts upto date.  BUT now that some cohorts are...

  • 1 Replies

I understand that page view data is not 100% accurate, and it is even stated that it should not be used to assess academic integrity (here: How do I view the page views for a user in an account?) But I have a user whose page view report shows absolut...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

Hello, Canvas friends!My advising colleague and I are developing a Canvas course to pitch to the department we advise for as a one-stop shop for information such as tutoring, scholarships, internships, registrations tutorials, policy changes, etc. Tw...

  • 2 Replies

I've had no problem until today. I don't see the submit button, but I see other students posting and the assignments still gray on my end. I've tried on both my cell and laptop, no luck. The teacher said to ask Canvas. Can someone please help me. Tha...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I want to show YouTube and Stream videos to my students through Collaborate live teaching session, but when I tried last time they couldn't hear the volume at all. Any tips for making sure students can hear and see videos I play through collab...

  • 2 Replies

I need to check my grade in a class from last semester immediately, but I do not know how to view last semesters grades. Does anyone know how?

  • 1 Replies

I can download files that have been uploaded for a Canvas assignment but need to determine if they were uploaded by the requested date.

  • 2 Replies

The total points for students is different in the gradebook from what students see. Students see a grade that is approximately 10 points lower than what the gradebook shows.  Why is this and how can it be changed? 

  • 3 Replies

Does anyone else find the Canvas quiz options below extremely confusing? For example, if you tick the first box, but not the second it seems that the student answers don't appear, even though the first statement suggests that the answers will appear.

  • 1 Replies

If I delete a rubric from my sandbox, that has been course-copied into a course, will I be messing up the assignment linked to that rubric, that was course-copied from my sandbox? I think I know the answer to this but not sure......   **Since a new I...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to manage comment library in the Blueprint course?     I used my old course and then created a blueprint from that course.  Then 3 of us use the blueprint course for our individual cohorts.  I tried to go to Speedgrader but the bluepri...

  • 1 Replies

Seeking community guidance as we've not been able to solve this one yet. The scenario For some of our blueprints (BP), we'll have upwards of 20 associated courses. To reduce the resourcing it takes to recreate all announcements in each course, we hav...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Hi Everyone, We are new to Canvas, and attempting to understand account provisioning. We'd like to use just-in-time (JIT) provisioning, as this is convenient for a number of reasons. We use CAS.  Ideally, we'd like to populate both the login id and t...

  • 1 Replies

I do not know what I touched - but I definitely touched a setting in Canvas and now I can only see one student's one project no matter what submission I am looking at. If you can advise I would be so appreciative. If I go to gradebook, and rather tha...

  • 1 Replies

Is there any way to enable Emble functionality on the Syllabus/Homepage?At one point I had managed to have a 'callout' placed, but I deleted it, and now only the flag icon remains. It is not visible during the editing function - so I cannot delete it...

  • 1 Replies

Hi there,  I am trying to integrate the Recite Me toolbar and button into all my course pages but for some reason the HTML codes given is not working.  Has anyone tried this before? TIA

  • 3 Replies

my name is wrong on Canvas, and it doesn't allow me to edit. How can I correct my name?

  • 1 Replies

I couldn't find an answer to this exact question, but apologize if I missed it.When I copy an announcement from an old course to a current, published, live one, I'm unclear about what happens. Will it immediately post or will it come up in edit mode ...

  • 2 Replies

 Hi team We're facing a challenge with securing exam quizzes on Canvas.  One potential workaround that we are considering involves creating a course module specifically for exam purposes, where quizzes can be securely housed until the day of the exam...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Once upon, in the Edit Assignment Dates feature, all the assignment titles were displayed so I could use command-F or a similar search feature to find a specific assignment and quickly change the title. Then, the feature was changed and it no longer ...

  • 3 Replies

now that i imported the entire last years do i edit? i dont see an edit button..thx

  • 1 Replies

Just wondering, if I submit a Goggle Sites link for this project I'm doing, will any new edits I make after I submit show up on the site? because it's a link, not a file, but Im not sure so i wanted to ask.

  • 1 Replies

We are considering adding the course format field (on campus, onlline, blended) to our SIS Import for courses to aid in reporting. I can't find that that field can be locked. From the Canvas SIS documentation it is not a "sticky" field, so will it ge...

  • 5 Replies

Hello!I am on the teaching staff for a course that is using Canvas, but has all assignments linked through Gradescope. Students submit through Gradescope and then the assignment is linked to Canvas so that grades appear on Canvas. I am trying to set ...

  • 1 Replies